Pollen Puff



4 years, 9 months ago


🌼  POLLEN PUFF she/her

"polly" / "polly puff"

πŸ”Έ πŸ”Έ πŸ”Έ

🍯 22

🌻 pegasus

πŸ’› lesbian

πŸ₯ nonbinary

🐝 element of honesty

πŸ”Έ πŸ”Έ πŸ”Έ

talent making desserts that use honey, mostly pastries

occupation salespony at her parents' brewery+bakery, "mead & you"

location lives on the outskirts of alicanter on her family's farm, travels into the city for work

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personality when ponies first meet polly, they tend to taken aback by her monotone voice and assume she's bored or uninterested. she often feels self conscious about that so she tries to make up for it by focusing all her attention on whoever she's talking to. she's much more comfortable in one on one conversations with larger groups making her worried about not being able to allow everyone to feel involved. in her head she often knows and wants to say exactly what she means but isn't the best at expressing her thoughts in ways other ponies immediately understand. in order to avoid the fear of saying something the wrong way and upsetting others, she tries her best to stay quiet and neutral until she works through her thought process in her head. she prides herself on being a good listener and has a level head that doesn't get fired up easily, making her someone ponies go to when they want advice or support.

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history born to bee mine and hive mine, polly grew up on the family farm collecting honey, taking care of the bees, and making baked goods. when her parents separated and her father got remarried to the mead brewer, fir mint, the three ponies started a brewery and bakery called "mead & you" where they each ran different aspects of the business. polly was offered the position of being a salespony at their store in alicanter which she gladly took, though she wishes she could work more behind the scenes sometimes. in her free time she comes up with her own recipes, hoping one day they can be introduced to the bakery. she first got the confidence to come up with her own baked goods the night she got her cutie mark. while collecting honey from the hives, a brilliant aurora brightened the sky, catching her attention and leading her towards an abandoned garden, overgrown with various fruits and herbs that she then used in her recipes.
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traits though polly's body and legs are only a little bigger and taller than the size of an average pony, her neck is much longer, making her at least a head taller than most ponies. her wings are also larger than average, though she prefers walking over flying. Β she has locs and keeps her mane in a long braid, occasionally pulling it up and tying it back for more formal events. her face is long with freckles on her nose and on the back of her neck to her rump. her ears are always angled back.