[06] Honeydew Melon



7 years, 9 months ago


Honeydew is 18-21 years old and 5'2" She prefers to fly with her wings rather than hover, and focuses most of her telekenises on manipulating objects around her. She is shy and very cautious around strangers. She is easily frightened and prefers to keep to herself, however she is not completely opposed to having friends, and tends to put all her love and trust into a few individuals. She loves reading and gardening, and making clothing for herself. Honey is bisexual but has a weakness for manly strength and protectiveness. She is very frail and easily bruised. Honeydew is a xynthii closed species by ObsceneBarbie Honey likes to wear fairy Kei and some pastel goth style. She likes girly clothes with skirts, dresses, bows and frills, though she sometimes wears casual clothing. She loves pastels and some black and white accents. Honey is in a relationship with ObsceneBarbie's Kaihlo and is close friends with her Yuna