


4 years, 8 months ago


Shellcloud was the first kit born in Gustclan! He's the oldest child of Heronstar and Chubtail, and twin brothers with Droseratail. Shell was autistic and obsessed with leaves and spiders and he'd watch spiders for hours. Droseratail was his little guardian in life, making sure he got to eat enough and so on.

Shellcloud fell in love with a mute molly called Nettleflower, and they'd communicate using gestures and signals. They had two kits, Witstone and Knawelkit. Both Shellcloud and Nettleflower fussed more over Witstone as they have epilepsy, ignoring Knawelkit, who would misbehave for attention. When Knawelkit died, Nettleflower blamed herself for Knawel's death, and already blaming herself for the deaths of one of Shellcloud's siblings and her own father... she did a bad thing. Shellcloud couldn't face life without her and followed suit, leaving Witstone to be adopted by her maternal grandmother. 

Shell leaves lots of signs to Gustclan but his signs are pretty useless because no one else spends hours looking at spiders