


4 years, 8 months ago



GIVEN NAME Errhendyle

AFFILIATIONHolmlond, Estognya


Malik is loud, stubborn and hard-headed, and fiercely loyal to his comrades and friends, though this is not surprising considering these are common traits among his people. One had to be loud and stubborn, otherwise they would never be heard. Gentleness was unheard of in his country; anybody who was soft and quiet was actively raised out of it. Loyalty was a trait that was valued, and he never managed to shake it, no matter how much trouble it gets him into. Malik greatly values honour and fierceness, the most important thing to him being family and friends. He takes his duties as a Zhezzuwan very seriously. He is proud and fearless, especially in battle where his true skills show. He loves to show off. Is very vicious when he fights, not just aiming to kill or hurt, but to bring pride to his name. Everyone must know where he comes from.

Malik is impatient and a horrible teacher, even though he has a huge soft spot for children and wants to be seen as a big brother figure. Extremely protective over those he loves, whether a person or a beast or a blade. Malik never runs, never hides, lest he dishonour himself. Ambitious, obsessive, goal-oriented. He experiences great shame when he cannot complete what he set his mind on.


  • sitting outside at night to watch the fireflies go by
  • laying in the grass among sheep
  • going for a nice cold swim in the early morning


  • screaming, women and children especially
  • dull blades
  • hot, humid weather


  • He names all the weapons he's ever made. The blade he has with him now was named Valha before Gusion was embedded within it. Sometimes Malik still mistakenly refers to his sword as Valha. This only amuses Gusion.
  • He's allergic to red peppers. When he eats them his face swells up like a balloon, and it takes two days before he's back to normal.
  • When he's been in the sun he gets freckles on his cheeks, shoulders, upper arms, and back.
  • He can't grow proper facial hair. It gets all patchy and uneven, so he just shaves every morning.
  • His hair mostly grows in width rather than length. It's super fluffy.
  • Even though it itches, he loves wearing wool gloves.
  • The bracelets on his right arm are the only things he has left of his mother.
  • His greatest fear is forgetting his origins.
  • Errhendyle is bisexual.


Given name: Errhendyle, Holmlondian — “He who brings the end”
Adopted name: Malik, Arabic — "king"
Adopted surname: Al-Nasir, Arabic — "helper, protector"


Japanese: Masakazu Morita
English: Eric Vale



Holmlond is a broad term the previous inhabitants used for a small continent stretching across the far north and including the north pole of the world. With long, cold winters, and short, hot summers, and a lack of vegetation whilst being surrounded by sea water, this continent was presumed uninhabited for many centuries. And in current events its name is nothing more than a whisper. It was inhabited however, teeming with the life found in the four nations that were, although not living in harmony, coexisting.

The environment is filled to the brim with dangers. Larger-than-life beasts, crevices so deep and so wide they form an abyss, mountains that bring in absolute zero temperatures, and only a handful of edible plants. Majority of the continent is covered in glaciers and snow, though digging underneath will reveal soil and grass that is perplexingly resistant to freezing. Although the land is terrible to farm, it is not impossible.

Just like the environment they are raised in, the Holmlondians are tough and tasteless. Except for one particular tribe of people, who can be considered almost literal giants, everyone else normally grows to be at least seven feet or taller. Everyone is heavy and muscular. They naturally have faster blood flow than a normal human in order to increase heat production. Their bodies also take in protein and fat much more readily, both for strength and for insulation. They in general have much higher endurance, strength, durability, and cold tolerance than the average human as well. All of this, as a consequence, results in them needing to take in large amounts of food rich in iron, protein, and fat, many times a day.

The social system is not complex. One Chief runs an entire nation, Earls take care of the affairs of individual provinces. Everyone is a warrior, and children are encouraged basically from birth to fight and die honourably in battle. Death is seen as something not only natural and a normal part of life, but is actively sought out as a right. As such, there are not too many people who live to old age. Living to being too old is seen as shameful and as a curse cast by the gods, meaning that they do not wish to see that warrior dine with them in their heavenly halls. Women and men are not seen as separate, considering masculinity and machismo is a common trait to all people here, and there is no such thing as gender roles. Everyone learns the skills necessary to live. 

There exists a strict warrior system. When one is born they are given their birth name, but this name is considered incomplete because of the lack of their Title. A Title is earned after a child is deemed worthy of battling alongside the gods' chosen ones, usually after reaching the age of twelve or by accomplishing a heroic task and proving their valour. The Title given to the child will be indicative of their most defining trait, with names following a scheme: for example, Errhendyle the Bright, and not Bright Errhendyle. The Title is given to a child by the Earl of their province, alongside a golden Band to go around their upper arm signifying their need for a blessing, and at the Four Trees Gathering every new moon, the Chief of the nation officially blesses the child's Band and Title, and a child officially becomes a warrior that the gods themselves approve of. 

The most important Titles one can have alongside their warrior title are Champion, Earl, and Chief. Usually the Chief is the son of the previous Chief, or someone related to them. The Chief's purpose is not unlike that of a king, although unlike in a royal family, anyone can vie for the position of Chief if they feel they make a more competent leader. A Chief's given name is always changed so that the suffix -rick, meaning "chief", is added: for example, the name Lorden, meaning "ghost anchor", is changed to Lorrick, meaning "ghost chief". A shamed Chief who has been excommunicated by their nation has the —rick suffix changed to —wick, such that, for example: Berrick being changed to Berwick after committing an unspeakable crime. A Champion, who is the strongest fighter in the entire nation, is selected by the Chief and approved by the people. They are given the official Title of Champion, such that their name will, for example, go from Jormun the Gallant to Champion Jormun the Gallant. This is the highest honour as a warrior, because Champions represent the strength of their entire nation, and they are especially favoured by the gods. Earls are elected by their townspeople and must defer to any decisions made by the Chief. If not, civil war may break out. An Earl's duties are to oversee the peace and harmony of the province they have been given, and they are to distribute funds and supplies equally among the people. 

The Holmlondians have seventy-two gods and goddesses, which coincidentally are exactly the number of djinn as well. Even the names are similar. Unknown to the Holmlondians is that their gods are actually extremely powerful magical entities that exist so that people can use their power. There is one dungeon in Holmlond in fact, the dungeon of Gaap, but he is worshipped as a god and so people do not enter the dungeon to conquer it. 

The Holmlondians speak a language called Seajaric (shey-yeh-rik). 

In Alma Toran, the Holmlondians were actual frost giants, otherwise known in modern mythology as Jötunn. Another meaning to their name may mean "man-eater", which is what their common diet was in the forgotten world. 

Ojin (oh-gin) is found in the north and central north region of Holmlond. Of all the people that have colonized Holmlond from Alma Toran, the Ojinians are the most pure-blooded, and therefore exhibit the most extreme forms of body types and superhuman abilities that the Holmlondians can possible have. At the minimum they are nine feet tall, with some of the largest of them reaching close to twelve feet. In addition to their extreme cold endurance, Ojinian bodies can handle the most extreme conditions as well, including low oxygen concentrations and high pressures. The monsters found in Ojin are just that, monsters. Ten foot tall bears and predatory winter birds with wing spans of up to eleven feet dominate the mountain range that almost completely separates Ojin in half. There are scattered groupings of small game such as elk and goats, but these are more like snacks and not full meals. 

Out of all the nations of Holmlond, the people of Ojin pride themselves on their unimaginable violence, on tyranny, and on inhumanity. Because they are pure-blooded, they only mate with each other and do not intermingle with the other nations, and if interbreeding happens, those warriors are forever shamed and stripped of their warrior titles. Ojinian laws see their citizens are commodities and as trophies to be won, and so unfortunately murder and rape is very common among these people. That being said, rape is not seen as an invasion of bodily autonomy but rather a test of strength and will, and the victim, if unable to fight off their attacker, will admit that they were defeated and actually marry their attacker with no resentment whatsoever. Marriage, children, fighting, dying, it's all seen as a competition. Because Ojin is considerably larger than every other nation, every province has its own Champion, and once a year the Champions from every province meet up in the capital city of Ojin, Bjorgyn, to compete to win the title of true Champion. Even earning the title of Chief is a competition. Anyone can attack and kill the Chief at anytime, and there will be no hard feelings because the people accept that their previous Chief must not have been strong enough to continue their reign. Because of that, very rarely will there be continuous lineages of Chiefs. 

Gander (gahn-durr) is found in the west and midwest of Holmlond. It is this part of the continent that receives the least amount of snow and has the most decent farmland. Although this area of Holmlond used to be thick foliage and dense evergreen forest, a good majority of it was cut down for lumber and to make room for housing and for agriculture. Many different kinds of crops grow on Ganderan soil, and in fact there is a small collection of islands off the coast where the weather is strangely tropical. Although they are too small to live on and are guarded by ravenous birds of prey, once every few months the people of the Gautland province will venture into the jungle to collect the rare healing herbs that grow there. Among the wildlife there are smaller predators, such as birds of prey and wild boars, though the most common wildlife are elk, goats, cows, and sheep, of which only the goats and cows are domesticated. 

The people of Gander are simple farmers and not much for fighting. That is not to say that they do not have their fair share of battles, but rather, they prefer to stick to themselves and don't really care for things like territory and honorary duels. The most common jobs for men are farm-work and blacksmithing. Women tend to deal with textiles, housebuilding, and hunting. Of course, children are not left out of these duties, but because they are not yet strong, they are left to do chores such as sharpening weapons, cooking, cleaning, and picking grain. Champions in Gander are most likely chosen as the children of the Chief, and Earls are relatives of the Chief as well. This is because the population is not dense, and so it is spread out across the nation. There are not too many strong warriors to choose from in immediate area, because while the provinces are large, there are only three of them, and those three are mostly farmland. Gander relies heavily on trade from other nations. They only have their crops to give away, but in return they receive steel and other goods. 

Eilek (ey-lick) is an eastern nation with an intimate relationship with the sea. Only a small strip of land connects this nation to the central part of Holmlond, leaving Eilek surrounded on almost all sides by sea water. The seas around Eilek are treacherous, full of mermaids that are nothing short of nightmares. With leather skin bound tightly to their abnormally elongated bones, glassy lidless eyes, razor teeth, and less than savory mating genitalia, they drag men and women down to the depths and, with their hermaphroditic parts, either impregnate the women or become impregnated by the men, forcing them to produce half-breed children that are much more powerful than a full blood mermaid or Eilekan. Another added effect is that all mermaids are female and so a mermaid breeding with a male Eilekan will always without fail produce a male offspring, which then if mated with a full-blooded female mermaid will produce a full-blooded male mermaid that is bigger and stronger than even half-breeds. The mermaids do not eat the Eilekans, they terrorize them and torture them until they allow their victims to succumb to a watery death. In Eilek, you earn your Title at twelve by killing one of these monsters that grow to be fifteen meters tall. However if you are unable to and you have been dragged into the depths by one, you are considered dead and there are no attempts to rescue you, because of how rare it is that someone ever escapes and lives to tell the tale. 

The people of Eilek are mixed descent, that is to say, they are the most obviously non-pureblood of the Holmlondians. Their hair is darker, closer to a wine red than a copper color like what is most common in Holmlond, and they have much narrower eyes and very particular body types, the bodies of swimmers. There is speculation that there was a lot of interbreeding with the ancestors of what is now modern Kou, and as such they are looked down upon by the Ojinians. In addition to the superhuman capabilities that all Holmlondians share, Eilekans have the additional biological capabilities to shunt oxygen and blood, and when they enter the water the oxygen in their bodies is actually recycled for quite a long time, meaning that they are able to hold their breaths for a considerable amount of time. They can also handle the extreme pressures of deep water with relative ease, and do not suffer from the bends as a normal human would if they rose up from diving too fast. In the water they are basically at home, and they have a natural ability to swim swiftly and can even see perfectly clearly in the water. 

Zhezzan (jsheh-zahn) is the smallest nation in Holmlond and it is located in the south of the continent. It is a sea of forest, with tall evergreens and lots of shrubs and smaller grasses. All of these plants are cold resistant, although unfortunately they are inedible. Commonly found in the wilderness are small boar, elk, deer, and squirrels, although occasionally a bear will wander into the territory from Ojin. The most terrifying beast are the ducks that are more like dragons than birds. Cut them open and they bleed molten rock. They have five hearts, only one of which when cut will lead to the creature's death. Their teeth are scissor-like and they breathe fire to roast their enemies. Their feathers are forever hot, and so oftentimes the Zhezzuwans will keep some of their feathers on their clothing to keep warm during the extreme winters. 

Out of all the Holmlondians, it is the Zhezzuwans that appreciate the smithy the most. Blacksmithing is the most honourable duty one can fulfill and the people who sing to the steel are revered and respected. Generally, the Zhezzuwans are the most religious and adhere the most strictly to their code of honor and conduct. They make a pilgrimage to Gaap once every three months and take spiritual journeys frequently to rediscover their meaning, and they frequently have meetings to discuss the state of order in Zhezzan. Unintuitively, they are very open-minded to outsiders and to accepting new ideas from other cultures, but they still take quite a lot of pride in their own culture. The Zhezzuwans and the Ojinians are the ones who get into a lot of fights over crossed boundaries and stealing and other things, and that is because their societies are in direct conflict with one another. Ironically, it is the Zhezzuwans who are non-purebloods that are civilized, while the pureblood Ojinians are what most of the world would consider savage.


It was on this continent, in the nation of Zhezzan and the town of Linpis that Errhendyle was born. He was born in the midst of a war, and so his parents gave him a name appropriate for the time, one that meant "he who brings the end". Their nation was fighting over territory, three small islands just off the coast that had great soil for growing crops, with the nation of Ojin, who also wanted the land for agricultural purposes. It was said that when he was born amidst the battlefield he did not cry, but he laughed, and this stopped the monstrous Ojinians from continuing the battle. The Ojinians never stop war for any reason, and so that is why Errhendyle was given this name.

His mother and father were both warriors as well as blacksmiths, though it was his father that stayed home with him for the first few months while his mother went off to war. They won that war, though they lost a few others throughout Errhendyle lifetime. As he grew older, his father and mother noticed his special talent — sword-fighting. They immediately took to training him, and when he was old enough, he was taught in a small academy with another group of boys and girls. There he honed his skills, while at home his father and mother trained him in the art of the smithy. It was there that they discovered he had a way with steel; it was like it sang under his touch. His parents were thrilled, and continued to have him taught in both fighting and making weapons. During his time in the academy, he made many friends, and even met a girl that he liked.

When he was twelve years old his mother gave birth to three boys, triplets, named Alek, Gurd, and Heppel. Errhendyle then learned how to care for children through his mother.

During his childhood, a man named Lemarxus, King of Estognya, and his son Dareios, spent a considerable amount of time in Holmlond. Dareios and Errhendyle got along well, so well in fact, that they fell in love. These were the most important years of Errhendyle's life, because he grew stronger and more confident, and became more concerned with the fate of people outside of Zhezzan. King Lemarxus established a close relationship between Estognya and Holmlond's nations, in a way that caught the attention of the Kou Empire.

The threat of the other nations didn't compare to Kou's threat. Apparently they were interested in having Gander, Eilek, Ojin, and Zhezzan fight under the Kou name. The Chiefs were given an ultimatum: unite peacefully under our flag and adopt our way of life or we eliminate you. Ren Koumei and Ren Kouha were sent in for "peaceful" discussions with each nation's Chief. According to Errhendyle's father, the Emperor did not like having such a powerful force just north of their borders, though, Varrick noted, "In truth it's probably 'cause we're such good friends with Estognya, and the Kou Empire doesn't like our alliance." Estognya is a small nation located in the peninsula of Kou's ocean port that has strictly remained neutral in all world politics. Or so they said. Their current King Lemarxus actually was trying to form a coalition to stop the advance of the Empire.

Of course no nation wanted to fight for Kou; they hated each other but not as much as they hated the Kou Empire. So they refused any negotiations. Unfortunately they could not reach any agreements and so the nations fought amongst each other and were unable to work together either.

Kou came in from the east and flooded the very small strip of land that connected Eilek to the rest of the continent. This not only cut off the the freshwater supply to the rest of the continent, it also isolated Eilek from the rest of the continent. The Eilek forces attempt to stop the invading Kou ships but the mermaids in the water killed all the Eilek men and the Kou men who fall into the water. Lorrick (II) the Leprose is killed by the very mermaids he'd escaped from when he was a young man. His son and Eilek's Champion Wonnen the Clear-minded attempts to take control of the Eilek people then, but being a mermaid-human half-breed he is not seen as a legitimate chief and so Eilek suffers from a lack of leadership. They are not the first to fall, however.

The first to go down was Ojin. Knowing that they were potentially going to do the most damage to their forces, Koumei led an attack against the Ojinians. As the nation's strongest warriors and Yorrick the Monstrous fought against Koumei and his men, a good majority of the Ojinians escaped into the treacherous mountains that were inaccessible to non-Ojinians. Yorrick's son and Ojin's Champion Jormun the Gallant was shoved into the river in the mountain valley by his father and he witnessed Yorrick crushed by a portion of the mountain that Koumei transferred onto him. Jormun suffered a head injury however, and blacked out. This was a godsend, as it prevented the Kou forces from finding him. The rest of the Ojinians were in the mountains, with many slipping off the cliffs and falling to their demise. When it was all said and done and it was safe enough to climb back down the mountain, only a third of the Ojinians remained to help in the fight with Gander.

Eilek fell next. Jormun wakes up in Eilek because that's where the river flowed down from the mountains. He is astonished by the lack of people there and is informed by Eilek's Champion Wonnen that they have been attempting to hold off the Kou Empire's forces for three weeks, and that Jormun has been in a coma for all that time. What they really needed was to get to Gander, which, according to Wonnen, was suffering heavy losses. Whatever Eilek forces were left from the Kou Empire's decimation are currently in Gander aiding them there. Jormun helps finish off the Kou soldiers alongside Wonnen, and leaving his brothers to stay and make sure that no one else crossed the borders, the two Champions head off to Gander.

Months later and Gander was in no better shape either. Their people were not doing well, as the water that flowed from Eilek to irrigate the crops in Gander had been cut off for such a long time that the people were left without much food. Try as they might they could not hold off Kouha's forces, and Gander's Champion Solmund the Courageous is killed while defending Jormun.

The remaining Ganderans and Eilekans have to retreat to Zhezzan, but this is not a saving grace as Zhezzan is suffering from poverty and sickness, and they do not have enough food and water to take care of everyone.

During this time, though Errhendyle is a skilled warrior, he wasn't a seasoned one, so he worked the smithy and takes care of his brothers while his parents go off to fight. Each time they came back they were more and more weary, and at one point his father suffered such a terrible injury that he was bedridden for six months.

It was when Errhendyle hit fifteen years old that it all ended. Varrick announced that Ren Kouha was bringing his forces with him and expected a surrender. Nobody, not even Errhendyle, was willing to give up their land and their way of life because of the threat. If they died, at least they died with their heads held high. He too wanted to fight, and was prepared to do just that if the enemy forces came knocking on his door.

Unfortunately that was exactly what happened. The first group of warriors were slain with ease, having been weakened by a harsh winter and lack of food. Heimmen and Plox, two towns up north, were devastated. Then came Linpis. News of Varrick's death hit the family like a ton of bricks. Two days later his mother Sveni died in another bloodbath. That's when the Kou forces finally showed up in the town. Errhendyle grabbed his blade to fight but the Zhezzuwan Champion Thorir the Benevolent refused to let Errhendyle sacrifice his life when he had his brothers to take care of, and instead tells Errhendyle to run away with his brothers while he, Jormun, and Wonnen fought off Kou. Errhendyle is reluctant but ran with his brothers to the ports. He encountered more Kou soldiers there, a small group, and fought them off while his brothers hid. He sustained a head injury, and though he was barely conscious he managed to finish the fight and escaped on a boat.

As luck would have it his head injury was so bad he kept fading in and out of consciousness, barely able to care for his brothers. The cold was harsh, and Gurd and Heppel couldn't survive it. They died from hypothermia within three days. It was just Alek and Errhendyle now, but fate did not favour Errhendyle that day, so Alek was not meant to survive either. Errhendyle had been unconscious for a week, and when he awoke again he found Alek without a heartbeat. The boy had died from starvation. Errhendyle was so dizzy he just ended up losing consciousness again.

At some point his boat struck land. When he awoke, he didn't remember anything or anyone, not even who he was. He was stranded somewhere unbearably hot with lots of sand, with an old man poking at him with a stick. He didn't have any energy, so he just laid there while he was inspected. In his hazy condition, he remembered the old man carrying him off to a small hut. The old man Zameel and his wife Thaamira took care of Errhendyle while he healed. They were distraught when Errhendyle woke up and couldn't remember a thing. The old man decided that this was a blessing — he and his wife were unable to have children, so they decided they would adopt Errhendyle. They named him Malik and gave him their surname, Al-Nasir. For the next few years he worked as a farmhand for the couple, getting to know them and the people in their tiny town. As he spent more time with the couple, his memories began to return to him, and with it, the pain and suffering. He'd be woken in the middle of the night with nightmares of his people being slaughtered, or of his brothers' lifeless bodies. As he suffered more and more, a darkness began to grow in his heart. He couldn't possibly fathom why fate would do this to him, why the gods were so cruel to him. The last straw was when he remembered his name and what it meant, "he who brings the end". That memory started his descent into Depravity, and he cursed the fate he was given. He kept his given name, wanting to respect the kind couple that took care of him, but he wanted to honour the meaning of his birth name, and so he decided that he would be the one to "end" the Kou Empire.


At twenty-three years old he traveled to the Kou Empire with his goal in mind, so consumed with vengeance that no sense was left in him. If he could just destroy them, then he would've done good by his people. At this point he didn't care who he hurt, he just wanted to hurt somebody. Arriving at the palace gates, he was blinded by his objective, and just killed. All he wanted was for Ren Kouha or Ren Koumei to come out so he could rip them apart. But his senses returned to him when he was faced with Kouha, and realized he was outmatched. He hadn't thought this through very well, and at the last possible minute panicked. Turning to flee, he was met with the vision of his mother, otherwise known as Yusef, standing there with a gardening tool clutched tightly in his hands.

Suddenly feeling very at peace, Malik holds out his hand to Yusef and tells him, "Come with me." Feeling unable to refuse, Yusef drops his weapon and grasps tightly onto Malik's hand, and he is taken away by Malik and out of the palace.

It is months later when they are in Reim and they meet a Fanalis woman who is on a search of her own. She witnesses a man flirting with Yusef who, in her sights seems uncomfortable, and so she attacks the stranger, only to find out that the man flirting with Yusef is her long lost brother. Yusef explains that he was not in trouble, it's only his demeanor, and actually he quite enjoyed speaking to the woman's brother. They both introduce themselves as Ambrosia and Fenrir, siblings who were separated after slave traders killed their parents and kidnapped them to be sold as slaves. Yusef feels strongly for the strangers and invites them to dinner at his shared residence with Malik, which is a surprise to Malik when he comes home from the market to find strangers in his home. His immediate reaction (PTSD-induced) is to drop all his groceries and pull out his blades, but he is immediately calmed down by Yusef who explains the reason why these people are in there home.

(It takes quite some time, but eventually Malik remembers Dareios as the one he'd fallen for in his youth, and they opt to attempt continuing where they left off. This proves more daunting a task than they'd ever expected.)

The Reim dinner leads to a friendship formed between Ambrosia, Yusef, and Malik, such that Ambrosia, who was aimless and homeless before, found a permanent home with the other two. They live together for quite some time before the event where a dungeon appears occurs. Both Ambrosia and Malik are itching to conquer it, although Yusef has some reservations about it. Nonetheless, they drag him along with them because it's actually safer to keep him with them than to let him stay alone. Along with conquering the dungeon and having Gusion call Malik his King Candidate, later on Ambrosia's gauntlets and Yusef's twin dancer's daggers are imbued with the djinn's power as well, as they are accepted by Gusion and Malik as his Household Members.


During these three years, Malik is hit with a strong depressive episode that lasts the better part of two years. His sense of morality and duty is so strong, and he is convinced that the dead souls of his people and the living refugees in Estognya have all cursed him and shamed him because he has not avenged his people. He has convinced himself that he has not lived up to his name. Clearly this is not the case, but that does not stop Malik from believing so, he just cannot help it. So without telling his friends, and without telling Dareios, his love and the present King of Estognya, he disappears, seemingly off the face of the planet. In truth, he goes back to the place he was living in with Yusef and Ambrosia in Reim, but because it is obvious that he did not want to be around any people at the time, his friends do not go looking for him. Instead they tell the person who is most important to Malik, Dareios.

At this time, Dareios very patiently helps Malik overcome the damaged feelings and PTSD-induced nightmares he has reverted back to, essentially preventing Malik's full Falling into Depravity. The man has an uncanny ability to empathize with people and help them heal, after all. As Malik becomes more and more healthy mentally speaking, he asks Dareios to refer to him by his name again, Errhendyle, and Dareios gladly does so.

After two years, they return back to Estognya together, and during the celebrations there it is then that Errhendyle, in front of the entire guest hall, asks Dareios to be wed to him.



Swordplay: A trait that is passed down through his family, Malik is an excellent swordsman. Though swordplay was taught to all the children in his hometown, some were just "born with a sword in hand", so to say, and Malik is one of those people. He would train day and night, becoming almost obsessed with it. Though he's been called crazy for it, Malik said that the secret to success with a sword is to become one with it, until you are tuned into the frequency of the sword's soul. He has a great appreciation for any and all swordplay, and is quick on the uptake with different techniques. 

Smithing: Once Malik reached a certain age, he became a blacksmith. According to many he wasn't just an ordinary blacksmith. The townspeople were convinced that Malik somehow "talked" to the steel as he worked on it, and that's what made his weapons so sharp, what made them beautiful, what made them sing. Malik wouldn't confirm or deny any of this, preferring to let people have their own speculations. In truth, he just really appreciates the craftsmanship of a good weapon and has always understood the difference in all the weapons he made. 

Connection: Malik has always been good at connecting with wild creatures. They trust him and are comfortable around him, and he can understand their feelings even though they do not speak. At times when he is at the end of his rope he has called upon the help of an animal.


  • Quantity of Magoi: 4/5
  • Fighting Ability: 5/5
  • Physical Strength: 5/5
  • Technique: 5/5
  • Leadership Ability: 2/5
  • Wisdom: 2/5


Weapon Equip: When Malik calls upon the power of Gusion, his sword becomes longer and sharper. With it he can cast blasts of light magic, make small but strong barriers, and manipulate the light around himself to make illusions. The more magoi he allows Gusion to power himself with, the stronger the magic. If he puts enough magoi into it the consistency of the sword will change, separating it into sections, and it can be used like a whip. This is incredibly dangerous and takes a lot of magoi out of Malik however, so he doesn't attempt it unless he is fighting a long distance enemy.

Full Equip: In his fullbody equip Malik can create large scale barriers, including reflective mirrors that direct attacks back at his opponent. His illusions are also more elaborate and can be done on a larger scale as well. His light blasts become more haphazard, but they are bigger and do more damage to opponents when they hit.

Extreme Magic: 

Summoning Chant — ❝Throw that which is in your right hand, oh you devils! I will swallow up that which they have made, and bestow upon you the light of a thousand suns!❞ 

مرآة للحكم (mareir del hukoom), translated as "Mirror of Judgment" or "Governance Mirror", is an extreme magic that summons two giant reflective barriers in which a devastating blast of energy is shot between them. The more magoi Malik puts into the summoning, the farther apart the barriers are when they appear, and the more distance the blast of energy covers. Everything within those barriers is obliterated without a trace. Those who are far enough to not be injured from the blast are blinded if they look directly at the magic.

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