


4 years, 9 months ago


  • Age: 19
  • Date of birth: February 29th 1896
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Half human, half snake

The crown prince of the Empire of Warunagara. Groomed to be heir to the throne, he's more than a little uptight. He tends to be a bit grumpy and stiff, though trying to navigate the formalities of the Imperial affairs makes him a bit frantic. 

Despite appearing like a normal human, Setya's spent his whole life hiding his true identity as a serpent. With a human mother and a father cursed with snakehood, he was born seemingly human until he learned that he would revert back into snake form when weak. He's spent almost his entire life in human form. He considers shapeshifting into a snake to be degrading and beneath him, and knows that if his true identity were to be discovered he'd be killed. Even with all this, Setya firmly considers himself a human and nothing else. He believes that if he was born human, and raised human, and has lived his whole ife as a human then he's simply a human, curses be damned. He'd do whatever it takes to lift the curse from him and his family, if he could ever learn how.