's Comments

hello!! i can offer a fullbody or any character in my archive folder. for examples of my art i have at deviantart (rec01l)

Your art is sick tbh I'd accept a fullbody ... What kind of thing/traits are you interested in drawing the most ? o.O I want to pick a good character ^w^ If you want I can put this character as pending ! 

thank you!! i really like drawing colorful and detailed characters. often i draw punks so anything along those lines is perfect! that would be lovely, i’ll have it done in a few days. where do you prefer me to send it to you once done? 

Ooooh gotcha ... I don't have any 'punk' characters, but here are some that might be similar ?






Let me know if any of these characters are suitable >< ! And aah sounds awesome ... thanks ! I'll mark this character as pending , also, you can upload it directly here or you can send it to my email, but let me know which is easier for you ^^ Thanks a lot ! 

they’re all lovely but i’m gonna have to go with paris. i’ll upload here unless i have any problems!!

hello love, i’ve finished the fullbody and uploaded it here!!

BRO WHAAAAATTT you drew it so fast and it's literally so amazing ... SO DETAILED and you legit designed a whole outfit for her and everything ??? Uhh I love it so so much ... I gotta draw her in this outfit now tysm again ... literally top-tier stuff man ... x_x <333 <333 I'll send this OC over to you now !!! Aaaahh thank you again >< (also she looks trashy asf and I love that ... )

1 Replies

Hi 😈 I can offer anyone without the x tag ^^

Hmm I’m sorry but I didn’t really see anyone I felt connected with … thank you for offering though :3 ! 

Mhmthanks for looking anyways ^^