Ridge (Alpha-64)



4 years, 8 months ago


Ridge (Alpha-64)

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Basic Info
Human (Fett Clone)
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark Brown
ARC Trooper in the GAR, Stormtrooper Commander in the Galactic Empire

Rigid “Ridge” is an Alpha Trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic.


  • Something of a pessimist in nature, always expecting bad outcomes.
  • Has a very dry sense of humor, which is mingled with a dark twist too. Something of a troll, but in a deadpan sort of way.
  • Acts unamused most of the time and calls people out for their osik. Extremely snarky, which got him into trouble as a cadet with his COs--the Straks--and fellow cadets.
  • Takes whatever measures to accomplish what needs to be done.
  • Impulsive and unpredictable in his actions. No one expects him to blurt out what he says or behave in such a way that contradicts his usually cool demeanor.


Ridge was created to be an Alpha-class Advanced Recon Commando among with other members of his pod, put under the tutelage of Tronn and Zea Strak as his training sergeants. Always the one to follow orders through, Ridge didn’t get into much trouble often unless it had to do with his fellow brother, Luck, getting him to break the rules or ruining a training exercise to the point where Ridge went off on him. The brothers had a sort of love-hate relationship, where Ridge would try to whip Luck into shape, but also defend him if cadets from other pods or cadets within their own pod tried to pick a fight with the boy. Ridge was also unafraid to talk back to his superiors, something the Straks saw as a double-edged sword. True, the clones were supposed to be loyal to those in charge of them, but they also wanted these boys to think for themselves, so they encouraged the backtalk to an extent.

After the Battle of Geonosis, Ridge was assigned to work under Master Devis, a pompous Jedi who didn’t think very much of the clones he worked with. Ridge and Devis butted heads quite frequently, not having the best working relationship. Though Ridge still did his best to follow through with orders, he also manipulated them so that he could avoid heavy casualties of his troops if Devis’s battleplans weren’t very good, taking full responsibility for the changes he made when Devis angrily confronted him about it.

Devis was killed in battle a few months into his term as a Jedi General when he fell victim to a trap by a Separatist General, even after Ridge specifically warned him of the signs of an ambush. No one was really sad to see Devis’s demise, and the troops enjoyed a brief respite before their new General was assigned to them.

Ridge’s new General was Master Sadheis Joduz, a devaronian Jedi. Though Ridge didn’t have the highest opinions of Jedi due to Devis’s influence, he found Master Joduz to be different. She was sympathetic to her troops and tried to use tactics that would equate in less lives lost of her men when in battle. The two became close--very close after a time--and would have left the GAR with her if not for Order 66 being initiated; the main cause for his ideas of desertion being the daughter the two of them had in secret. Joduz had assisted the guerilla forces on Onderon for a time with her troops and befriended one of the generals there, so when she discovered she was with child, she and Ridge agreed she had to go to an out of the way place for the baby to develop and be born. Ridge never met his daughter as Joduz left her with the general for safekeeping so that she could continue to fight with her troops before the opportune time arose for her and Ridge to disappear.

The two were having a casual talk when Order 66 came through. Joduz didn't have time to react when her second in command and lover turned his blasters on her and shot her point blank. It was only after she was lying on the ground with several smoking holes in her torso that Ridge realized what he had been forced to do. He didn't take her death by his hands very well. Ever since, he strove to remain unattached so he wouldn't be forced to kill another woman he loved.

Started to use Spice to dull the memories of what happened with Sadheis, but not enough that it would negatively affect his work. Regardless, if he ever skipped a dose he would get terrible withdrawals.

Is eventually reunited with his daughter three years after Order 66 while he is in service to the Empire. He meets her in person for the first time and tries to argue with Sadheis's friend who was looking after her that he can't possibly raise a child with what he's involved with, but his daughter manages to twist his arm with how closely she resembles Sadheis and how much she wants to be with him. Though he was scheduled to return to base twenty-four hours later, he never does, and a manhunt ensues that forces him and his daughter to go on the run.



  • Perceptive with how people behave; knows how to read them well enough to discern their actions and thoughts
  • Prone to think outside of the box and come at problems from different angles

Unique Abilities

  • Taught both Nagai and Kage fighting techniques by his training sergeants that he utilizes on the battlefield
  • Has perfected the art of ba’slan shev’la


Grand Army of the Republic

  • Did not get along at all with Master Plato Devis. Thought the man was an idiot who didn’t know the first thing about commanding troops, or about how to avoid heavy losses of life. Was glad when he got killed and only wished it had happened sooner.
  • Ridge’s relationship with Master Sadheis Joduz was as professional as could be at first. He didn’t think much of her after having served under Master Devis, believing that all Jedi were as arrogant and wasteful with the lives put under their charge as he was. After he got to know Sadheis, though, and see how she cared for the troops and civilians, she began to win him over. He didn’t realize he had a crush on her until he found that whenever he had some downtime, his thoughts wandered her way. He expressed his feelings for her during a briefing session. After most of the senior officers had left the tent to see about things, Ridge kissed her. When Sadheis didn’t slap him, he realized she probably shared the same feelings for him, and she said as much with some amusement. Sadheis showed that she viewed Ridge as more than just another face in the crowd, and that he wasn’t just a tool of the Republic, but a unique individual. Their relationship quickly morphed from soldier and general to lovers in a matter of weeks, making it so that they had to be careful navigating that around their troops.
  • Only knew Priya through Sadheis. Didn’t meet her in person until she contacted him about three years after the fall of the Old Republic to hand his daughter over to him.
  • The Straks were Ridge’s training sergeants when he was raised on Kamino. They were both firm but understanding with him and the rest of the cadets in his pod. Ridge really looked up to both, and emulates Tronn’s no nonsense ways a bit with how he treats his troops and superior officers. Once he goes AWOL, he seeks the Straks out for help with covering his trail and staying off the grid; he takes what advice and supplies he can after briefly meeting up with them, then disappears for long stretches before showing up on their radar every so often to let them know he and Kasdeni are all right.
  • Luck was the one brother in Ridge’s pod that he was the closest with, even if they didn’t get along half the time. He resolved to look after Luck when the boy insisted on getting into trouble, hoping to be a better influence on him and that he might take note of that and avoid situations where he’d wind up getting disciplined (it worked half the time). He attempted to remain in contact with Luck after they were shipped out to war, though due to how intense the Clone War got, staying in touch grew to be infrequent. Ridge feels slightly betrayed when Luck deserts, but doesn’t hold it against him since he believes that Luck wasn’t suited for the sort of life he was trained to excel in.

Agent of the Empire

  • Kasdeni “Kass” was the daughter that Sadheis and Ridge had together during the waning few months of the Clone War. Ridge wasn’t able to see her in person at first since Sadheis had her on Onderon while he stayed with the troops and served under another General. He saw her via HoloNet calls, but only met her in person when Priya, a general that Sadheis worked with on Onderon, brought her along to hand over custody of the child three years after the fall of the Old Republic. Ridge was reluctant at first since he had since devoted his life to the Empire in order to work his way past his grief, but the prospect of abandoning his daughter weighed too much on him so he took her and deserted. Kass wasn’t the most vocal child, which suited Ridge since it helped when they had to stay in hiding in public places. She almost seemed to have a sort of psychic way of communicating with him and knowing when he needed to be comforted which could be attributed to her Force skills.


  • Full name is "Rigid" but goes by "Ridge." Got the moniker from being such a stickler for regs.
  • Has a soft spot for kids, so he'd maybe pass on his rations to little urchins on the streets of worlds he's on but in a discreet way so no one sees, or hands them some medical supplies or a blanket before shooing them off.
  • He's the sort who is seen as reliable by his superiors, so they give him a lot of freedom due to that. This comes to his advantage later when he eventually leaves the service of the Empire three years Post Order 66 without any warning or premeditation.
  • Isn't a huge fan of the GAR or the way it's run, but he stays to look after his brothers.
  • Becomes a high-ranking stormtrooper post Order 66. Rank changed to "stormtrooper commander."
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