juniper 'juni' blackwood



4 years, 8 months ago



juniper, or as many known her as juni, is one of the sole survivors of the fallout. from a lounge singer in her pre-war life, to now a minutemen general/railroad agent who's... occasionally causes arson
works along side with her girlfriend, another sole survivor, tassie (who belongs to tori, my girlfriend <3) in the minutemen, and helps anyone who are in need in the commonwealth.
she's loud, and reckless, she acts rather on impulse and not much into thought. despite her brash personality, she wants to do what's right for everyone, and is fiercely loyal to her friends and companions.
aside from her tough, confident front, she's actually just an emotional wreck. having a short temper, and is very impulsive. she's trying very hard to keep herself in check, but it's very noticeable when she's holding too much stress on her shoulders.
overall, juni's just a woman that wants what is best for the world, and the people she stands for. even if it takes... a few explosions to make something right in her eyes.

  • kind of cocky at times
  • sarcastic, but in a joking manner
  • loud, rowdy and brash
  • kind of a ditz at times
  • very loving, and fiercely loyal
  • hancock <3
  • tassie and wren, girlfriends <3
  • explosives
  • lazying around
  • jangles the moon monkey toys

while juni was rather a famous lounge singer before the war, a lot of the photos, posters and songs relating to juni has simply.. vanished. either from the impact of the bombs, or someone could've taken them and hid them away in their stash. eitherway, juni doesn't care, in fact, kind of glad for the fact that most of her past has been erased by the bombs.
she keeps a lot of her pre-war life under wraps, and drops hints about her pre-war life to companions and partners.

the most they know is that juni's the youngest sister out of three siblings, marie, being her older sister and steven, the eldest brother. juni doesn't know if they're still alive, and gave up on hoping that they are.. until the institute happened.

  • she has outer armor ontop of her leather jacket, it's just i am very lazy to draw them.
  • she does have a pipboy i just, forgot to draw it on her arm.....
  • she's bisexual/demiromantic and polyamorous!
  • sometimes her hat can be swapped to a formal hat, but most of the time it is just the captain hat!
  • sliiight addiction to whiskey, bourbon and jet.
  • her scar on her face was a deathclaw incident, how she survived is a god damn miracle
  • she's just.... an enigma in general really. how she even survives the most of things is surprising even to tassie, her second in command general/girlfriend.
  • loves jangles the moon monkey, has one sitting in her room!
  • actually kind of violent, especially when she's angry
  • strength, endurance and charisma are her highest stats!
  • fallout ask meme

John Hancock

romatic partners
One of the first people Juni ever has gotten close to is Hancock, it took a while but.. it was absolutely worth seeing the ghoul open up more and the sole survivor finally showing her vulnerability to him. They're practically stuck onto eachother, and bounce off of eachother's chaotic energy very often.


Wren Forthart

Met in... very strange circumstances, it didn't took long for them to get close mainly because Juni wanted to keep Wren in a safer place rather then her little old farm all by herself. She didn't think she'd fall for a farm girl after saving her.


Character Name

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