


4 years, 9 months ago



Rasui Veldane


Rasui has been locally infamous from birth, due to being the reincarnation of Morilyxis, the monster who previously ruled over Amorthes. Everyone in the nearby town despises him and holds him responsible for the deaths of many of their family members. They often throw rocks or scream threats on sight, and every year on his birthday they hold a festival to celebrate the death of his previous incarnation, on which they attempt to hunt him down with pitchforks and torches in hand. The bend in his tail is from it being broken during one of these festivals when he turned five. He lives in the forest outside the village with his adopted mother Jazamina.

Despite having no memory of his past life or the crimes that he committed, and despite being a completely different person than Morilyxis, Rasui is more or less a walking, talking ball of guilt and shame. He is absolutely convinced that he is a terrible person, and that he is responsible for everything that happened. Additionally, due to nearly every interaction with other people being horrible and often violent, he surpasses shy by a longshot and is just absolutely terrified of people. He cannot speak to those he doesn’t know, is incredibly jumpy, will often flinch around new people if they do so much as move too quickly, and will hide behind other people. He also does not know how to socialize in general.

Powers and Abilities

Rasui’s powers involve both dream and soul manipulation. For the dream manipulation part, he is able to enter any person’s dreams and mold it to his will, as well as bring the dreamer in or out of a lucid state within said dreams. When it comes to soul manipulation, Rasui rarely uses his powers on anyone but himself, but damn if he doesn’t go ham on messing with his own soul. He can split off a part of his soul into a little fragment, that contains a portion of his consciousness, certain personality traits, and memories. These fragments take the form of small cat-like creatures, and he, along with his fragments, essentially function as a semi-hivemind. They all operate with a single will and he can see and speak through any of the fragments, though of course, he is cut off from the traits and memories contained within the fragment, and the more pieces he splits off, the more pronounced the negative effects that is has on him are, as he finds it more and more difficult to think or even speak. If he stretches himself then enough to have less than half of his soul together in one piece, he falls apart completely into a writhing mess of cats. The hivemind falls apart as well, as all the fragments are broken off from a central mind and act individually with only the pieces of themselves they are given, and all the fragments have to be rounded up. He could theoretically do a lot more with his soul manipulation ability, but he chooses only to use his powers on himself.

Past Life

In his past life as Morilyxis, he had proclaimed himself to be the “God of Dreams” and cut Amorthes off from the outside world via a magical barrier, tricking and brainwashing the townspeople into believing that the world was out to get them, and that he was protecting them. In exchange for his protection services, Morilyxis demanded human sacrifices. Every so often, he would climb into a person’s dreams, and as soon as they saw a black cat, they knew they had been chosen. After waking up from that dream, victims would suffer from an long and torturous insomnia, staying up for days until their bodies finally succumbed to exhaustion and gave out, falling into a deep slumber and dying shortly after. Morilyxis then ate the soul of his victim. The villagers lived in constant fear of being the next to be chosen.

Then one day, a hooded hero managed to bypass the barrier, make their way up to Morilyxis’ tower, and kill him. They simply walked down to the village, handed him off to the villagers, and disappeared, never to be seen again. Many of the villagers wanted to simply throw the baby into the ocean, but a woman named Jazamina spoke up and said that she would be taking him in and raising him personally. Because of the respect she has within the community and the fact that many of her family members had been killed by Morilyxis as well, many members of the village council have been somewhat hesitant to fight her on this, though to say they do not agree with her decision is an understatement.

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