Lapiste (Greatest Inhuman)



4 years, 9 months ago


~ Lapiste
~~ Derived from the word Nollapiste, meaning 'zero' in Finnish.
~ Unknown
~~ She is eternal, time has no meaning to her.
~ Female
~ Undefined
~ Goddess of Victory, Change, and Revolution
~~ She moderates the world, making sure that the world continues to move on, that there is change.
~~~ Such as the change of powers between people and constant movement between the kingdoms.
~~ She ensures that the same people don't keep winning or keep ruling. She gives heirs to the throne abilities and assets to overthrow the current ruler when there is time.

~ A serene, calm goddess who is fixated on change. She loves drama and a strict follower of the rules she has created. It is obvious she favors the Exian Empire over any other kingdom, and has dedicated most of the change in the world to them, the reason why Exa have dominated the battlefield the best- therefore becoming the biggest kingdom.
~ She is rather cold towards those who don't appreciate their victories and is incredible cruel whenever teaching people lessons. Her beauty often set people to the side, making them think she is rather the goddess of beauty and love, which Lapiste incredibly hates.
~ It is believed that Lapiste assisted the Creator in the creation of the worlds, and therefore given the power as the main mediator of the world. She at first spent time away from humans, afraid of what they would think, but began to realize how awfully slow they were moving. Lapiste made her first appearance in front of a young man who went by the name of Nam, and gave him intelligence to create fire and use stones. The spark in his brain created a wide ranged causation of innovation for the Stone Age. Even though Nam was the one to know about fire and stone first, he shared the idea to others, to Lapiste's agreement.
~ However after the rage of innovations slowed and humans began to band together, Lapiste grew bored of the lack of drama. She approached Nam's first eldest child, Alexander Nam and gave him knowledge of ores such as iron. This gave him the ability to raise a revolution against Nam and overthrow Nam from his position as king. The power became to become more scattered, and Alexander wasn't the only king in the world now.
~ The next revelation came to a man named Enzo about the use of magic, although followed swiftly by Alexander's child, Aneres who received knowledge on ranged weaponry, leading to the knowledge of cannons, crossbows, bows and arrows, and other far ranged weaponry. Enzo created his own kingdom, which clashed immediately with the the Nam Family's own kingdom. The war devastated the lands between both kingdoms and the lands between them before things began to settle down.
~ The knowledge of innovation and magic began to become traded between the kingdoms and eventually raised the humans and other species to begin to cause change within themselves without Lapiste having to interfere. She found a liking to the Nam Kingdom, which constantly underwent change between the rulers, although suddenly, after 10 generations after Aneres Nam the kingdom was spurred by a new Alexander the Second who changed the kingdom into an empire. It began quickly accumulating land and was known to have a formidable army. Lapiste was fascinated by them, as they named themselves the Exian Empire.
~ A guild of power hungry people began to rise up, known as Auche. It was a parasitic magical entity that enveloped the host's mind into a fury of violence and rage although multiplying their power and regeneration by the unholy 13 times. A war broke out with the kingdoms against the Atraum, and Lapiste was the one to give the first human ever a divine ability. His name was Atrimo Nam, the current Emperor of the Exian Empire, who had taken power after his wife, the Empress had died.
~ After the end of the War, she granted Atrimo's son the ability to suppress Atrimo's abilities and mana- to be able to overthrow the powerful figure now instituted. Lapiste's attention also drew towards a young woman named Shyanne Khyun who ranked first in the Kingdoms in terms of power.

Strange facts about them:
~ Loves to build people up to power then tear them down.
~ Loves the Exian Empire for no reason particularly- they just undergo a lot of change.
~ Doesn't have much of personal abilities, but still is the most powerful goddess
~~ Can grant abilities to specific humans, whisper into people's heads, and force a bit into the future.
~ Likes flowers- they represent so much change over a couple of weeks.
~ Admires trees for their durability through time.

Theme Song/s:
~ Thirty Seconds to Mars- This is War
Voice Claim:
~  Regina Spektor
Something they'd say:
~ "You can't keep winning forever. That is simply unnatural for someone to keep the crown for too long."