N4032 - Anaru



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Anaru

Breed: Padro

Gender: Stallion

Age: 3 years

ID: N4032

build: medium

breeding spots: 12

geno: EE aa nCr nZ nO nQlr minnSpk

silver smoky black QULAR (overo carrier)

mane stripes: yes

rare points: 24

class: uncommon I

Personality:  Anarus is very kind and considerate and gets alongs with most other  horses. He's never one to strike at a stranger, but welcomes them with  open arms. However, at times he can be quite moody and pessimistic. He  tries really hard not to, but sometimes can't help it. He could use a  special someone to help him manage it. His friends help the best they  can, but can't always control him.


generation: 5th

------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown

----------------- SS: unknown

------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown

Sire: 7125 Rajnish

------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown

----------------- SD: unknown

------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown

----------------- DS: 5172 RRS Joke of Life*******

------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown

Dam: 7779 RH Rhythm Of The Night

------------------------------------------ DDS: SSC The Storm's Wake 6483

----------------- DD: SSC Ice Lightning 7534

------------------------------------------ DDD: 4921 KG Airlie

Continued from 6483:

DDSS: 4337 NGS Het Volle Licht - Diffy Jarce Stallion

DDSD: SSC Indominus by Nature 5057

Check out my breeding rules here: Slot Journal

Slot price: 20  or 3 PP (flat full body)


 = Not ready for use

 = usable

 = used

Breeding Spots:

1. TheElvenJedi (Parent Slot)|Mare|Foal|

2. UnknownRidersStable (Parent Slot)|Mare|Foal|

3. User|Mare|Foal|

4. User|Mare|Foal|

5. User|Mare|Foal|

6. User|Mare|Foal|

7. closed

8. closed

9. closed

10. closed

11. closed

12. closed

Foal design: N4032 - Padro Foal Design



-water and ice: 5

Padro Points:

This ref: +3 PP (shaded headshot)

Total: 3 PP