
4 years, 8 months ago



Name: Rae Valentino
Called: Rae
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Origin: Roman
Diety: Cupid
Role: Social Pychology Major
Alignment: Neutral Good
Status: Single(but heart belongs to someone already)
Likes: Pink, Listening to others, Happy healthy relationships, Dogs
Dislikes: Toxic relationships, forced identities, Violence

The Roman god Cupid, cast down along with many others by the new gods, he holds absoloutly no memories of who he was as a god, believing himself to be mortal. Though he may not be making people fall in love anymore, he spends his days studying and working on being a couples coach, currently helping other students with advice and comfort.



Rae is an extremely loving and caring dude, and even with his tendencies of sleeping around with other people on campus, he puts his job above that. He separated his work from personal relationships, even if its just five minutes apart from each other, he isnt one to council you while you make out. He’s big on communication, and over all pretty level headed. Downside is that if you dont tell him something, you can bet he aint gonna assume, so you can do everything a couple does, but if you dont ask him to be your BF he aint gonna think youre dating.On the plus side he is very honest and vocal about his feeligs aswell as his thoughts about you. He is very proud of who he is, and the notion of his own identity being challeneged makes him unhingd



Kiss Kiss Fall in Love

anyone he kisses be on the hand or right on the mouth, that person will feel less negative emotions, and instead feel happy! Maybe they even see the world just a little rosier for the rest of the day..

Listen to Your Heart

When someone has an intense emotion, Rae can feel it, or in a way sense it, sometimes in a form of energy or smell. The weakest form of emotion he can sense is a strong crush, but love and heartbreak are strong and even effect him emotionally sometimes OOC: has to roll a 5/12 or higher in order to get anything tangible from someone

Love is an Arrow

Cupids always been one to hit you right in the heart. Well, rae struggles to aim anywhere else other than that! Take him to a shooting range and tell him to go for the head, but the heart is where it will go.OOC:Rae has a +3 on D20 roll for aim


Rae did always find it a bit weird that there were large chunks of his life that were a blur, getting a headache any time he tried to think long and ahrd about the hazy memories and feelings, but he never thought anything of it really. Even as he started to run into people claiming themselves to be gods, he just thought either he had a lot of crazy friends, or he must have applied to the wrong school.

Rae has recently had the fact of his godlyhood forced into his realization, unarware of what god he is exactly. Though he isnt thrilled to have his identity challeneged, he has the strong desire to help the other gods in finding one another, and growing in numbers. He is now in Ians ranks as possibly the weakest seeming god with how frail he is, and his own emotional instability due to his frantic feelings to not being Rae Valentino at heart.




[ Aquaintances ]

A pretty chill guy, hes hard to read and though that can make Rae nervous, it also provides him with a safe haven from constantly feeling others emotions. Ian was the one that made him realize hes a god, and thats a hard pill to swallow.



[ Friends ]

Sunny saved him from his temporary homelessness, and has been his anchor in life. hes a very chill guy and he appreciates him a lot.



[ Friends ]

Met through Sunny, Rae really loves Marci, and goes to every one of her performances. She got him into making playlists on spotify and they send eachother recomendation playlists now and then. .



[ relationship ]

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