"Jewel" (Black Pearl)



7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Jewel, Pearl

Physical Description

Jewel is naturally black (with hair a slightly lighter grey), though she can change her colour pallet at will. Her body is thin and long, elegant as a pearl should be. Her hair, though styled at times, is normally worn with half blunt-bangs (the other half pinned back) and a flowly undercut cascading off on the right side of her face. Her circular gem is above her left collarbone.

Clothing Preferences

She wears glasses (multiple pairs, just for fashion). Her clothing changes frequently. She also dabbles in makeup a good deal.


Jewel is narcissistic, self absorbed, and obsessed with her own beauty. She is high maintenance, feeling entitled to other's attention. At the same time, she dislikes giving time to others. However, Jewel is playful--she gets bored easily if others willingly adore her. She adores herself enough, and she'd rather surround herself with people who are interesting to interact with. This is especially true if she can make them angry, which she finds especially entertaining. She sees others as 'playthings' or avenues of self expression (another way to enjoy herself, in other words). She is often flirtatious or bitter, and doesn't cater to others. However, she is in no way cruel--she's too disinterested in others to gain any pleasure from their pain.


Mirror???? thingy????


Jewel's gemsona.

She enjoyed being a pearl on Homeworld--existing purely to be beautiful,  elegant, and desirable--but disliked how she was seen as lower class.  Once she has freedom on Earth, she does not strive to prove herself as useful beyond her beauty; in fact, she continues to perpetuate the idea that she is inherently valuable and enviable because of it. But moreover, she communicates every part of her is worthy of worship, not just her exterior, and that she should be perceived as royalty.



Has the ability to change her coloration, along with her appearance. (However, she can only change her colour pallet, and is therefore unable to replicate identities perfectly. Her gem stays the same colour).



Enlisted to aid her owner in the gemwar, she ended up betraying her owner and escaping midway through a battle in order to save her own skin. She spent a while on the run, changing her appearance consistently so that she could evade detection. While hiding away in Earth, she fell in love with the humans culture of fashion and beautification, and created many connections with the local populace to learn more and obtain items.

Eventually she became lax with her disguises, too focused on exploring the realm of fashion and beauty and creating connections. Homeworld gems caught on to the presence of a rouge gem and captured her, bringing her to a lab experimenting with forced fusions.

There she was supposed to be forcefully fused with two other gems, Bloodstone and Sulfur, but they teamed up instead. The three worked together to flee the lab, eventually fusing in order to escape--ironically, combining under their own terms was the only way to avoid being combined forcefully.

Successfully breaking out, the three now had no choice but to start their lives anew on Earth. The three waited out the rest of the war together, fleeing pursuit, but soon it was over; and whatever partnership they had had dissolved. Going their separate ways, they promised to help each other out if one was ever in crisis.

After the war, she adopted the name Jewel, which she used to avoid detection and to be her pseudonym on her blog. She had always resented being a 'lower class' being when she was, obviously, the greatest of all of them. Her name is indicative of the fact that her value encompasses that of all gems; she is as good as, or better than, all other gem classes...if only in beauty.

Ongoing Story
Now going by Jewel, she spends her time on Earth continuing her exploration of fashion and beautification. She blogs and models however she can in a human-dominated society (mainly via the internet) and enjoys seeing how far she can go & what fame she can attain.

She posts pictures of herself online to get attention, all the while hoping other gems on Earth may come across them and try to communicate. While having a decent amount of human playthings, she's become bored with talking to them and hopes to communicate with other gems.

It is through her blogging that she manages to reunite with Sulfur (who had come across Jewel's blog while searching for memes). Becoming very close, they formed a relationship resembling siblinghood and made a home together. Every now and then they would also see Heliotrope, but these meetings were rare and often short. Jewel, as much as she longed for gem companionship, never got along well with Heliotrope.