$35 ONO's Comments

I can offer art!

Ohh absolutely!! I’m cool with that! What sort of art are you offering? Just so I know what character to choose to be drawn!

I could do a headshot like these! https://lakecryptid.com/#prices

I'm cool with accepting that!! Can I get one of my sona Dani? I'm still waiting on a new ref for him, so I only have this edited version of his old ref to show his appearance, but I hope that's ok!!

Totally! Do you have an expression /poss in mind ?

Any kind of happy smile would be perfect!

5 Replies

I could offer art? :O idm going a bit over their listed value, just be aware the more I'm asked to do the longer it'll take! although I'd try to give frequent updates regardless 


and wills/wonts-
