Enchantress's Comments

Can I buy for 30€?

Sure I’ll dm you my PayPal 

Sent payment! Ty ❤️

Hello, i'm the artist of the unifnisged chibi art >< sorry for not finishing the art/canceling it. But i would appreciate some credit 💕 also, i coule give you the cleaner version of it if you want. It's still on my phone

Sure give me a sec to give credits 

You credited the wrong bunny gutz ^^" someone took my name before me

It's with a - not a _

Fixed again “^^

Thanks xD already talked to that other bunny gutz, it's a chill dood

(not the first time smth like this happened) 

There anyone in my th u like

Hey! I kinda like  Quinn,Renki and maybe Heji ! The only thing with the last two are the designer credits ! QwQ

The credit there?

The designer credits on the last two it's not a direct link of them! 

I meant their link of any social media or their ToyHouse user! But I found both on Instagram, so here you go! QwQ

Heji designer 


Renki designer


If you still interested please let me know! QwQ

Heyo!  I don´t think I have characters that would interest you. So I wanted to ask what you were looking for USD wise?

Hey! I did like Quincy and maybe Novu! QwQ 

And i do prefer trade or mixed offer for my Sonas folder! 

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I can trade Novu in that case👌👌

Hey! I'm not sure I will trade Zafirah for Novu only ( just not sure I like them that much), sowwie! QwQ 

I could maybe consider mixed offers! 

Totally understand that! I'd probably need a hold in that case though, since I don't get paid until the end of the month.

I can probably throw in 25$

Do you perhaps know estimated value of Novu?

2 Replies

Is it Quincy out of the possibility?

Unfotunately yes >.> 

Anyone here of interest? Excluding the BluC and Impim
Or more tentatively, this tag! Excluding the chance-to-draw, allosauc, valkymie, massy and r0hi0 designs ^^
Thank you kindly for your time/for taking a look either way!

Hey! The only one I liked it's off limits, sowwie ! UwU

Thank you very much for your time and interest!✨


Does anyone on my th interests you? The only offlimits are the Supreme Babyys

Hey! You have some cute babes but I didn't see anyone I'm willing to trade Zafirah for, sowwie hun!! QwQ 💕

Okk no problem

Good lucky on the trades/sales ^^

hiya! might anyone here or here (tent on erin and kona, but the rest are ufo) interest you in a trade?

Hey! You have very lovely ocs! 

But the only one I would maybe trade Zafirah is Kona , who is off limits or very tent! Really sowwie hun! UwU 💖

hiya! super late reply, i'm sorry, but i've realized i don't really use kona that much and was wondering if they might still interest you in a trade for zafirah? no problem if they don't!

Hey! Don't worry about the late reply! QwQ

I'm still interested , but if you add this babe I would accept ( as Zafirah worth is 100$+)!!!


someone in my toyhouse for this bby? also have this male dragon https://toyhou.se/3220231.mercy


Didn't see anyone