『 DIAB 』Flannel



7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info









Personality on one phrase

Sick in the head


Uriel is his plaything, but is really more like his mama bear<3


Beaten to death with a pipe


Flowers, getting a reaction out of others


Excessive affection towards him


 Prideful | Provocative | Lonely | Manipulative
Species Information:OvOb ]
*He has three earrings on his right (our left) ear, two black earrings and one that hangs 
from his lobe, and like his right ear, two black ones on his left (our right) ear.
He has two scars. One on his forehead and another on his tail.
His hat is optional.


"Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advise." 

Flannel enjoys pissing off others and as a Diabolicus, he can feed off those negative feelings. Sometimes, he can take it too far and get beaten up. He doesn't mind either since his wounds heal fairly quickly. Flannel needs to feel a reaction from others to feel alive, either positive or negative. His self-destructive nature masks his fears of isolation. An immortal life is a lonely one.

Regardless of his antics, he suffers from excruciating migraines, as a reminder of the time he took it too far. A condition that leaves him vulnerable physically and emotionally, Flannel will retreat somewhere quiet to suffer in silence.

"All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?" 


Flannel died because he didn't know when to shut up. Already witnessing the rage in the other's eyes he continued to provoke them. Before he realized it,  with the full force of their hand, the other grabbed Flannel by the head and slammed him into a wall. He felt his body hit the ground and blood pool from his head. But the other wasn't finished. They grabbed him by the collar and dragged him through the bar to the exit that opened into an alley. 

They grabbed a nearby pipe to intimidate him. "You really just had to open your mouth, didn't ya, snarky bastard?"

As  Flannel regained enough strength to sit up, he did it again. "Oh I'm  sorry, I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem  to get my head that far up my ass." He looked at the guy's face. Flannel smiled.

Without a moment of hesitation, the man swung the pipe and everything went black. Whatever happened after is unknown, except that this encounter was the death of him.

When he awoke to find himself in a new form, Flannel laughed.


Flannel loves to get a reaction out of  Uriel. As a person who rarely expresses their emotions, witnessing their slight changes from expressionless to irritation feels like a reward to him. It's not that he dislikes Uriel. The other in some way fills part of the emptiness in him. As one of the few existences that can relate to his experience, Flannel craves their attention and company. Well, in the best way he can.
However, the affection he sometimes receives from the other out of concern scares him. But Uriel's urge to look out for his well-being has gradually opened Flannel up about his vulnerabilities. He is the only person who knows about Flannel's migraines.