


4 years, 8 months ago


Flirtatious. Prideful. Sarcastic.
Name Lucielle
Nickname Lucid
Age 19
Height 5"9
Occupation Barista
Sexuality Bisexual
Theme Song link
Designer @Somnonyx
    Lucid surprsingly used to be a well known thief around the lower town area and often could slide away with almost anything when he was a young teen! Though he didn't do dirty work such as killing others and such, he would steal, rob and pick pocket others like it was no tommorrow! Well that was until he decided to change his path and retire as a thief, but he was still well respected in his whole neighbourhood and more, often being known as the flirt as lucid would flirt with everyone he met, especially when he needed to slip by the police and he most definetly is a virgin but he isn't a dog who takes advantage of others for his own sastifaction. Lucid is still a behaved gentleman and as he grew up he's grown up to be more flirtatious to the female customers that come into the bar he works at, often enjoying seeing a girl's flustered blushing face just as men but he doesn't have eyes on any of them. That was until lucid met himawari one day at a flower shop, he felt flustered for once and since then he's dedicated to getting close to hima, as they're good and close friends though lucid plans to tell hima his feelings one day, having his first ever crush on someone that lucid swears will be his one day and only his as lucid often enjoys teasing hima to get a slight fluster out of her that warms his heart though he sometimes does know when to stop his flirting, especially when hima hits his shoulder slightly with her bag