


4 years, 8 months ago


CLAN: ShadowClan

RANK: Warrior

AGE: 23 moons

GENDER: Female

"A ginger tabby she-cat with a split ear."

Antfang is a bright, bold ginger - too bright for ShadowClan, some would say. She has slightly darker ginger tabby stripes along her body. She has a white lower jaw/chin, a white patch on her chest, and a white front left paw. Her right ear is torn and split in a v-shape about 1/3rd of the way down. Her eyes are golden-yellow.
+ confident, brave, outgoing
= adventurous, curious
- cocky, reckless, impatient

For Antfang, the world around her is an adventure, every blade of grass is something for her to explore and conquer. She has no lapse in confidence, and it doesn't take much for her gloating to turn to overconfidence. Although she's more than earned the right to be confident, being a fine hunter and an excellent fighter, she easily gets carried away with her confidence, especially when challenged. She's cocky, and proud of her achievements - though this does not come at the expense of others. She believes you can bring yourself up without putting anyone down, and is quick to the defense of others. She has a strong reckless streak, paw-in-paw with her completely unflinching bravery. She won't hesitate to leap into danger if she thinks someone else is in trouble, especially if it's someone she cares about. Although she is fun-loving and thrill-seeking, that doesn't mean she shirks her duties - she is equally prideful about pulling her weight and doing her part to help the clan as she is about her skills in battle. She doesn't have a lot in the way of manners, and won't hesitate to speak the truth rather than beat around the bush, but she isn't rude in the way that she doesn't care if her words hurt others. Though not rude, she is, however, crass, and doesn't have any qualms with curses or foul language.
Antfang was born Ginger, a loner, in Twolegplace; she was well taken care of as a kit by her mother, alongside a sister (Tulip) and a brother (Irish), all three of them having the same bright orange pelt as Ginger herself. Why she was stuck with the most cliche name for her pelt color, she never did understand, and in her older kithood she went through periods where she went by other names: Red, Tiger, Blaze - but none ever really seemed to fit, and they never caught on. Ultimately, she'd return to Ginger for lack of a better option.

Her life as a loner was fine, perhaps a little too fine for her liking. She was easily bored by everyday life, and often went looking for trouble just to satiate it. She was known around Twolegplace as a trouble-maker, always going into the gardens with dogs or venturing out of the neighborhoods to visit the forest. She was the bane of her mother since kithood; Irish became a kittypet, choosing a home with lots of twoleg kits to play with him, Tulip found a nice tom and settled down, had a litter of little red-and-white kits... why was Ginger still so wild?

Her relationship with her mother all but disintegrated when she told her that she wasn't interested in toms, and her desire for adventure only grew once she relieved herself of that last shred of concern she had about worrying her mother. She began venturing even further into the forests, into what she knew was close to the territory of the wild cats of the Clans. She wasn't trying to intrude, but she wanted to explore, push her limits. She taught herself to fight by scrapping with other loners and even challenging herself against Twolegplace dogs, her sharp instincts and quick reflexes doing her well. Her ventures into the forest had her test these skills against even more enemies - stray dogs not limited to their fenced in yards, foxes, badgers, rogue cats - and she loved it, though she tried not to seriously injure her targets if she could avoid it (especially other cats!).

She first met a clan cat on one of these outings, high up in a tree overlooking the marsh.

"You're on ShadowClan territory, dear," the white cat announced, looking up into the tree at the trespasser. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The fluffy, demure she-cat wasn't exactly the image Ginger had in her head when she imagined meeting a clan cat, but her scent left no doubt that she was - and the contrast only made her even more curious about the clans.

"Are all the clan cats that polite?" was her only response, ignoring the request to leave for the time being. "I thought you were supposed to be wild and tough?"

Though uninterested at first in talking with this loner, Ginger's boldness and curiosity sparked something in the usually suspicious Lilycloud (as she would eventually introduce herself). The two had a much longer- and much more civil- conversation that either of them could anticipate, and when Lilycloud announced that she would have to return to her clan, it was getting late, Ginger hoped she would see more of her.

And see more of her she did, though not immediately. Although Lilycloud wouldn't admit it (perhaps even to herself), she returned to the same spot along the ShadowClan border in the hopes of meeting again with the charismatic Ginger. There was something about her... But she didn't find her there that day, and she went home unsure if she was disappointed or relieved.

They met once more by chance, this time with Ginger careful not to cross the border, although she was certainly playing it close. She'd snatched a squirrel along the edge of ShadowClan territory, and when she saw Lilycloud again, she offered the molly a bite - one that she (oh so politely) declined; clan cats could hunt for themselves, and it wouldn't be proper. Lilycloud had long since scolded herself for showing such an interest in the outsider in the first place, and had suppressed any feelings or curiosity about the red loner.

That didn't stop Ginger from hanging around the ShadowClan border, though. Perhaps she was still hoping for a sight of the fluffy calico, or perhaps she just wanted the thrill, the challenge, of facing off against Clan cats. Her lurking near the border paid off - at least for the small ShadowClan patrol that was caught up by a particular nasty stray dog. Ginger heard their yowls as they fought off the beast, and (paying no heed to the strong scent of ShadowClan along the border) raced to join the fray herself. She threw herself into the fight alongside two warriors and a younger cat (she'd later learn that they were an apprentice) without even a blink of hesitation - leaping to the defense of cats that she didn't even know. With Ginger's help, the cats were able to chase off the dog without anyone being seriously injured. The ShadowClan warriors took the bright red cat to Ravenstar and told him of her bravery.

Ginger flashed Ravenstar a bold grin when she was introduced. "She fought like a cat straight out of LionClan," a warrior said, the others backing them up. It wasn't easy to earn the respect of ShadowClan warriors, especially for an outsider - but with her sharp fighting skills and unwavering bravery, Ginger had done it. Ravenstar invited her to join the clan, and she accepted without hesitation.

The she-cat was introduced to the Clan, given the name Antfang; Ant- for her pelt, red as the bright ants that terrorized unsuspecting cats in dry greenleafs, and -fang for her skills in battle and bold tongue. She wore her new name with pride (it was certainly better than Ginger!), looking out at the crowd of surprised ShadowClanners, paying close attention to a particular calico molly as she did...