Steady Beat



7 years, 9 months ago


Steady Beat

Name Steady Beat
Birthday June 18th
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Unicorn
Height 5' 9"
Alignment ISTJ
Orient. Bi
nothin here shrugs

kind • patient • excitable


Steady Beat is a doctor, he is respected, thought eyeballed with mild uncertainty in his workplace. In general, mares are doctors, and stallions are nurses. He kind of breaks the standard a little bit. He is as his name implies, steady, he's a well adjusted individual, calm, composed, relaxed under pressure. He can however, overfocus heavily; usually on thing like surgery or fixing up a broken limb, to the point of not hearing anyone around him.

Steady is also sarcastic to the point of not being able to tell if he's being serious, sometimes. It's his main point of humor. He doesn't tend to fidget or twitch much at all- fidgeting can lead to serious mistakes in his line of work, you know.

He is bisexual, with no real preference. He is currently obligated to Discord Zone, and actually quite enjoys them and their company. Though he wishes they were a little less self destructive.


Steady Beat is a light green unicorn with a dashing smile and surprising physical strength. Really, Discord was very surprised. But also very pleased. He has kind, warm, friendly brown eyes that are just beautiful, and a lovely green mess of hair. His mane just curls up at the long ends, and curves in around his ear. Length-wise, it's roughly the shape of a mohawk on top, and is floppier and messier in the back.

He normally wears a white doctors coat, over a mint green scrub shirt. He wears medical gloves on his hooves at work, but goes without all articles of clothing at home. The coat has a slightly popped up collar, and is very long, ending just past his hock on his hind legs. The sleeves go down to his hooves, without brushing the floor, but he rolls them to his elbows, or just below them. He has a light scattering of dark freckles, all over his cheeks, and his shoulders. (but OP is lazy and forgets to draw them.)

  • He has dark freckles on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
  • Proin semper libero non leo maximus fringilla.
  • GORE : no
  • NSFW : no

  • Germaphobe, gets nervous around other people.
  • Allergic to dogs, cats, and most furry pets.
  • very depressed about this. Always wanted a dog, or maybe a cat.
  • Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas
  • Donec venenatis odio est, quis sollicitudin risus tempus

  • Sollicitudin
  • Vivamus
  • Pellentesque
  • Vestibulum
  • Convallis arcu

  • Sollicitudin
  • Vivamus
  • Pellentesque
  • Vestibulum
  • Convallis arcu


not updated lmao i need to soon

Steady Beat was around forty years old when he met Discord, already greying around the edges. He'd been a doctor for almost fifteen years by then, and had settled comfortable into his position.


In his college years, Steady Beat experimented heavily. While he was under his parents roof (a dentist and a doctor) he was withheld from doing nearly anything he wanted to do. They were both extreme germaphobes, they schooled him at home, and prevented him from meeting other kids. Explaining that if he did meet other kids, their germs would infect him, and he would get horribly sick, and maybe even die. It probably has something to do with his germaphobia now.

He ran through fling after fling in college, tried out a hundred different clubs and supplementary classes. He died his hair a million times and got piercings everywhere, he wore makeup and every configuration of clothing. This was surprisingly helpful for him, he discovered bisexuality, and learned a great deal about himself in the meantime. Don't tell Discord, but he still dies his hair. It's not actually green, it's carrot orange.

When Steady was nearing fifty-five, Discord was forced to move forward in the timeline. But, wanting to take Steady forward, though to a better time than Discord would be going to, Discord placed him in a cryostasis chamber, and he slept for a long time. He was woken up early, unfortunately, but it's okay. Discord feels immensely better with him there

Name relationship

Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.