
4 years, 8 months ago



Loyal . Easy-Going . Genuine

Gender Female
Age 29
Height 5'4"
Build Skinny, Semi-Muscular
Race Caucasian
Role Member Of The 3rd Steet Saints
Theme Bird Machine

"This is our city! We'll do whatever the fuck we want!"

Nayo had known Playa' for a long time, they were best friends in middle school and their friendship continued to grow for years. While they had gone to the same college, Playa' graduated early and ended up moving to Stillwater and they eventually lost contact. Years after graduating, Nayo moved to the city of Steelport, where she rented a small crappy apartment and worked some nothing dead-end job, she needed the experience and her degree wasn't some magic ticket to get any job she wanted. She knew the stories of the Saints (and of course the other gangs they had fought against), it was difficult not to know who they were at this point - they had commercials, merchandise, hell even their own movie series. Of course, they made their home in Stillwater so there was no way they'd get anywhere near her...Right?

Nayo had put the news on for background noise as she was getting ready for work, just as she had picked up her keys the remote she listens in onto a report about how the saints where starting to take over Steelport, and how S.T.A.G. was going to "clean up" the mess on gang violence. Next thing she knows she sees a photo of the leader of the saints, "The Psychopath of Steelport" they said, her very own childhood friend. She was confused, to say the least, the same man she'd know her entire life and has gone to college for fucking art had suddenly become the leader of a gang? She thought long and hard and soon realized how that whole thing seemed... very in character for her old friend...Her phone rings and she answer it only to be greeted by a loud and angry boss on the other side of the phone, and that was the final straw. She hung up on her boss and called her friend's old number, praying it would contact him. Someone answered but it... wasn't exactly who she was going for.

"Hello? Who is this?"
"Uh, hi. I'm Nayo, Is this ~~~~?
" you know that name? He's never publicly said"
"Oh, I knew him in Middle School! We were childhood friends-"
"That's too easy to make-up."
"Excuse me...?"
"Well, anyone can just say he's a childhood friend"
"if we weren't how do you think I got this number?"
"...yea okay fair enough, go on"
"Who are you?"
"Can't answer that. People might be listening"
"Okay... Are you apart of the saints?"
"I want to join in."
"well... he did say we need as many people as possible... ugh alright."
"I'll ask someone to meet you at Sunset Park. Be there at 10 AM today."
"...Okay... Do you-"
"No I don't need description, I already looked you up. Fancy red hair? Scars?"
"...Yea.. how'd you-"
"Don't worry about it."*Click*

HTML by lowkeywicked