---'s Comments

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what is their favorite time of day and why?

"Favourite time of day? That's easy brah! Nighttime is were it's at my man. How else are you gonna see those narly neon lights? It's my go to activity to see them light shows. Did you know I make my own neon lights too? It's pretty epic I gotta say, been trying to make my own business ya know. Gotta try to get that American dream am I right? Haha! Anyway, I hope that answered ya question my dude! Hit me up if you want to ask me anything else, chow brah."

i love the fact that you're obviously european from the way you spelled "favorite" paired with the headachey stereotypical american-speak... this made me laugh

Hey, if you want to save this please tell me when you have. If you don't please tell me. 

Hey, look, what kind of joke is that? Time of day is an outdated concept - we don't even have days any more. Seriously, you need to stop getting in your own head about that Old Earth shit, it's just not worth bothering with. I like being alone though, when I'm not working. The later parts of the - using your words - day are when I get to spend my time by myself, so I guess that's my favourite time. I try to keep all my lights down to an evening level all the time though, don't wanna risk setting off another migraine. 

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