Juliet Harmony Hinata



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Juliet Harmony Hinata

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Birthday: March 23

Nicknames: Jules, Bun-bun, Red Velvet, Rose's Lament

Species: Witchling/Ikara

Father: Demetri Hinata

Mother: Akira Blaise

Siblings: Leo, Matilda, Tariq, Michelle, James, Astrid

  : None

Bio: The firstborn of twins, Juliet was very cheerful and full of energy, even as a baby. Due to complications during and after birth, Juliet was kept close to Leo, slowly transferring her energy to him until his own energy was stabilized. Growing up, Juliet was known to be a bit odd. Despite being part Ikara, she did not have a Voidless, but was an exception in that she didn't go insane nor did she die. Juliet grew up as a normal child with a fascination for magic. As she grew up, she would read books about witchcraft. With her parents' permission, she studied about witchcraft under her grandmother, Melody's guidance. Juliet was exceptional in witchcraft, easily excelling in the basic spells and beyond. Melody eventually brought up the possibility of Juliet going to an academy of magic to Demetri and Akira. At first, they were hesitant as Juliet would have to spend weekdays in the academy's dorms during the semesters. But with their daughter's excitement and son's support, they admitted Juliet to the academy. In her first week at the academy, Juliet became the talk of the school. The daughter of the Dimension King? Attending a magic academy?

Of course, with the gossip, Juliet received negative attention also. A group of popular girls focused on the fact that Juliet was not a full witchling. That her blood was tainted and that she should go back to the gutter where she was born in. Not wanting to get in trouble, Juliet endured the bullying from the popular girls. However, after calling Leo, he helped her realize that she needs to fight back before the bullying could lead to something much worse. So the next day, Juliet fought back. Since that day, every student in the academy learned never to screw with Juliet.


  • Often jokes that Leo is her "Voidless"
  • loves ballet
  • She has a lot of golems buried underneath the rose bushes in the garden
  • has a six sense that lets her know certain things, but it only happens when she's really sleepy. She never remembers what she says
  • may or may not have given her Uncle Roy a little bit of trauma