Perfect Balence



7 years, 10 months ago


Adoption Link

True neutral on the D&D alignment chart. Believes in finding a middle ground between order and chaos where change happens but everyone is safe. Thinks of good and evil as means to different ends, each with their uses. If she is ever in a plotline where there is a champion of light and law fighting a champion of evil and chaos, she would be the champion of balance.
Always wears some article of red clothing. This is so that the color scheme uses ever color of the rainbow.

Her name is Perfect Balence, and is Perfect Order's Sister. Her talent is weighing opinions and finding a fair balance in matters of court. When her sister becomes mayor, she becomes the court judge for a time, but prefers to spend her time out in the world and propogating balence in all things. It doesn't always work. She and her sister hire Bear Claw as their guard, and he is constantly out with her as she tries to make the world more balenced.