Pale Moon in Storming Sky



4 years, 8 months ago



name ★ pale moon in storming sky {pale}
pronouns ★ they/them
birthday ★ october 5th
sexuality ★ bisexual

physical ★ pale moon is a long-legged cat with a slightly above average height. their fur, a light blue color, is soft and neatly kept. while not as long as their counterpart, their fur is fluffy and ends in tufts at their cheeks and ear tips. their body has a slightly thicker, muscled build from swimming and climbing for most of their life. the darker stormy grey color on their body is reflected in three thick stripes along their tail, and a larger shape on their back, which slightly resembles a butterfly. their white markings are more in number, with a white tail tip, forepaws, ears, star markings and freckles on their right hindquarters, facial freckles, and of course the crescent moon shape over their left eye. pale's eyes are a soft teal green, half overlayed with lavender as they begin learning magic.

★ pale was always a quiet, obedient child who was very much attached at the hip to their mother. they never had much of a relationship with their older brother, but they respect him greatly. they had few friends as a kit, but were very passionate early on about being a good ally to their tribe. they're an incredibly hard worker, and do what they are told without a second thought. as they grow older, and begin to think more about what it is they want, pale's faith in the stars above wavers, and they grow mixed feelings about their place in life. overall they're dependable, reliable, and an incredibly loyal cat who strives to protect those around them, even if they're not good at expressing it.

residence ★ cats of the rising tides
ranksand-hunter to-be, loner
mentor ★ turtle that splashes in waves
apprentice ★ too young


name meaning
pale moon ★ the first thing their mother saw at pale's birth
in storming sky ★ implies the type of weather pale was born during

favorite things
food ★ crab
colors ★ grape purple & silver
season ★ autumn & spring
weather ★ cloudy & raining
skills ★ swimming, stalking
scent ★ rainstorms
weaknesses ★ long distance running & properly expressing their emotions
dislikes ★ tradition & poor foresight
history ★ pale had a relatively normal kit-hood. they and their mother were close, but pale never knew their father. distant from their brother, pale isolated themself from any real outside influence, and trusted few. they began having 'headaches' at a young age. they began small, having wild dreams and waking up with a throbbing in their temple. they became more and more troublesome as the years went on, however, and now they're prone to massive migraines.
while most cats follow the paths their parents took, career-wise, pale always itched to become a guard. they wanted to learn to fight, and while this always stuck with them, they took up the position of sand-hunter to keep things simple and stress-free for their mother. however fate would not be kind to pale, and they found themself practicing fighting techniques late into the day, after finishing their regular training. eventually pale was caught by a guard named golden sunflower atop jagged cliffs, who sympathized with the young cat. the two began to train in secret, sunflower teaching pale everything she could.
fate would strike yet again, as pale's mentor found out about the secret training. while she never resented her to-be for it, she was concerned the extra work would hurt pale, and she was conflicted on what to do. eventually the watcher found out, and pale was punished. given two options: fight for your place in the tribe, or leave, pale chose the former. putting all of their skills to work, they won the fight, but chose to leave anyway. 

destiny calls, and when it does, pale listens. eventually pale wanders into clan territory, meeting with the riverclan apprentice, Butterflypaw. the two become close and work together to fulfill their intertwined destines. 
parents ★ red flower blooming in the sun & snake
siblings ★ scuttling beetle on warm rocks
mate ★ none
kits ★ uninterested

speaks in #754C78