


5 years, 2 days ago


Name: Keiichirou (often called Keiichi or Keii)

Meaning: 啓一朗 / (啓)"enlightenment, open, begin." - (一) "one, single, alone." - (朗) "bright, clear, serene."

Age: 15

Sex: male

Gender: male

Pronounce: he/him

Sexuality: Asexual

Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

Power: Crawl (has setules on his palms and the soles of his feet, allowing him to climb up walls)

Occupation: student at Aoihama Hero School

Hero name: isn't sure yet

Bio: Keiichirou is a very energetic, happy and sweet person. He bounces around a lot and is very talkative, and has a habit of laughing and smiling a lot. He's very kind and loves to make others happy, and will gladly help out whenever he can. He is quite energetic and has a hard time sitting or standing still. He is very physically affectionate, and is almost always in a good mood. He is a bit self concious, and has internalized a lot of homophobic ideas due to his parents. He struggles to accept his sexuality and romantic orientation, and often avoids any question related to dating or types. He is very cuddly and loves, and has a high need for, physical affection

Other: Is really good at climbing, is chubby, is great friends with Toshi (also has feelings for him but keeps them burried deep down), loves anything fluffy and cuddly, let's Toshi run his fingers through Keiichi's hair as a stress reliever, and finds it rather soothing, likes doing crosswords