


4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Southern Faun


For simplicity, since they were not named yet, I will refer to the Sihnion as clever, to Nylathria as sister, and to Althidon as strong. x'D These three are, as I said, siblings. Actually, sister and strong are twins, and clever was born before them. The thing about them is that their parents (who are from a wealthy / high ranking family within their area) made a deal with a deity before concieving any of the children. Said deal involved one request: To have one of their children be highly intelligent, and to have the other be outstandingly strong. The deity obliged but at the same time decided to play the parents. When their first son, clever, was born, everything seemed normal. He did speak before other kids his age, so they were very pleased. When their mother was pregnant the second time, the pregnancy was a more difficult one that really took a toll on her. But generally, everyone around was still pleased because she seemed to be bearing a big, strong child. Came the day of strong's and sister's birth - sister was actually a surprise child! They had no way of knowing that they were twins, and she was remarkably tinier than her brother. Now while both parents were glad to have both of their wishes granted, the 3rd unexpected child did unsettle them a little. With the kids growing older however, the nasty little downside to the deal became apparent. While clever was clever and excelled at his studies, he grew weak in body, and to this day he has issues walking longer distances and standing. Even then, he worked hard to become a tactician. And while strong was good at the training they gave him to become a soldier and hopefully general in future, he was unable to finish his studies. They had to realize he was very much on the dim side. Which should have been obvious by other children calling him idiot-brain. Sister, in the meantime, grew up to be slightly below average at everything she did, but she nevertheless finished her studies. It is unclear what the plans for her future are. There are. Still tensions between them. And it's mostly the sisters job to disperse them. Even before clever found out about what their parents did, he was bitter and kind of mad at his siblings. For one, his sister was the weaker babe, so why is he the one with such a weak body? And obviously, he can't compete with his brother in any sort of physical competition. Due to that, if they get into quarrels, clever will quickly turn rather mean and he has a very large library of insults to hurl at strong. Strong can't counter really, so sister tends to interfere. They both love their sister to no end. And they both need her attention, since they are rather lonely in their own right. Clever hardly leaves his room, since he phyiscally can't (unless he wants to risk being stuck somewhere boring with no way to get back alone). Strong has always had and still has problems knowing his own strength, which means fellow soldiers prefer to interact as little as possible. And people who don't know him don't tend to want to say hi either.