



"Tumbled by time,
rocked by the everlasting sea
smoothed by the sand and eternity's hand." - Helena Hinn
{ Paintie by Whitefox }


♡ Cruising through the shores, swimming along with friends, is where Kai is the happiest.
♡ He loves playing with his little fish friends.
♡ Always welcoming new friends to his little abode during his adventures at sea.
♡ Mostly secures the ones in danger.
♡ Always makes it his priority to protect his little friends, and provide the necessary nutrients to ensure a long and healthy life.

♡ When riding the waves, his little fish friends are the ones to guide him through.
♡ Lost his sight from a very young age.
♡ Kai's last and only visual memory was opening his eyes and seeing a red blazing color filling his vision, until there was no more.
♡ He doesn't know what it was, but he is pretty sure they are not on friendly terms after the fact.
♡ Besides every time he steps off the shore for an extended period of time he starts to feel weaker and parts of himself starts to disolve, as a result destroying the homes of the little fishes. He can't exactly see the cause of this, but he just knows is that red ball of fire in the sky and is honestly so unfair
♡ THE nerve
♡ He still doesn't know how to combat this predicament, but is only just a matter of time...
♡ just you waIT

Sun 1000 ▪ Kai 0