


4 years, 8 months ago


name: gaspeite

nickname(s): nickname

pronouns: she/they

reason for fusing: protection

components: lime peridot, smoky quartz

gem type: fusion, calcite

size + body type: massive, like sugilite. four arms, huge hands.

gem location: left breast and front of neck

alignment: herself

weapon: spiked bat, claws

powers: metal destruction, rust

personality: wild, unruly, crazy


enemies: iolite, fuchsia sapphire


gaspeite, a beautiful messy monster fusion with only concern for herself. she was first ‘born’ when fuschia sapphire was threatening to hurt lime peridot, and smoky quartz was in the vicinity. smoky quartz, as a soft hearted and passive gem, refuses to let an innocent gem get hurt for any reason, and grabbed lime peridot to try and protect her. peridot’s fear and smoky quartz’ urge to keep her safe resulted in them fusing, and gaspeite was born as a way to protect and fight back against those who would hurt them.

gaspeite doesn’t have much experience existing, or knowing herself, and is quite a loose cannon.  she has only been fused once (at the time of posting) and in that time, she was mostly controlled by smoky quartz who wanted to fight to protect lime peridot from her boss’s terrible ways. she defused after winning the fight with hackmanite, but peridot and smoky quartz were quickly recovered after making a brief escape from the abandoned gem ship where they reside with iolite and fuschia sapphire.