

4 years, 8 months ago




A stern and focused assassin, yielding from a family known for its prestige in the field; Xerxes is brutally steadfast and unyielding in his work. His family is founded in Adrestian territory, though its exact location is unknown, in no small part a result of their elusiveness. Nevertheless, Xerxes attends the Officers' Academy, aligning himself with the Black Eagles. Despite his aloof nature, he tends to get along well with other students, especially those of the Golden Deer house. Still, he always keeps a distance between what he deems his actual "self", and the proposed charade he puts on in front of his peers. 

In reality, Xerxes is a stark man: he believes, due to his birth into the Llywelyn family, he is obliged to uphold its legacy as their sole inheritor, should it cost his life. As a result, he tends to drastically undervalue his life-- it is often his peers that have to steer him away from pursuing dire strategies in the midst of battle. This does not change post timeskip, though his allegiance cements more solidly with the Empire. 

A fond fan of tea and the cultivation of tea leaves. Also quite enjoys literature-- though his taste in books is a touch more.. tacky, than you'd expect for someone like him. His hobbies and preferences are not things he makes particularly known, but indulges in around the presence of those he considers friends.

Tends to a wyvern named Lucia, which he's had since he was a child. They are practically inseparable. His body is tattered with scars from the collar down, with deep grooves of gnarled, mauled skin. Their origin is something Xerxes blatantly refuses to discuss. 

(As above, so below; as within, so without.)