


4 years, 9 months ago


☆ Name: Haepali Kurage

☆ Nicknames: Pali (prefers that.)

☆ Gender: FTM Male

☆ Sexuality: Heterosexual

☆ Age: 16-17

☆ Birthday: November 2

☆ Nationality: Korean

☆ Hero Name: Jel

☆ Background: Pali was born into a simple family with his mother, father and grandmother. His parents got a divorce when he was young because his mother wanted to explore the sea and his father wanted to travel the world. Pali  didn't mind, he was just happy to not hear them fighting anymore. They left home and left Pali and his grandmother alone together. His parents send the two money so that they can pay bills, buy food and whatnot. Pali and Opala take care of each other, and Pali is content with his life.

School for Pali was relatively easy, he's smart and always had a small group of friends with him. He was 9 when he realized his mind didn't match his body. His grandmother supported him all the way and sold handmade jewelry to make extra money for testosterone and surgery.  Both transitions were smooth and Pali was overjoyed. He skipped a year in middle school, then wanted to go to UA. He passed the entrance exam and pursued his dream to be a hero.

Pali wanted to be a hero to make money so that he and Opala could survive without the money his mom and dad send. He holds a bit of aggression towards them for leaving him and his grandma alone.  They send enough money to live an average life, but they don't live exquisitely. 

☆ Personality: Pali is very charming. He finds happiness in everything and is very hardworking and trusting.  He's polite and modest and somehow bringing off a lovely aura, making others want to be friends with him rather than him socializing with others. He loves people and his friends, but loves his alone time as well. Pali is very loyal, he never questions his friends and is true to his words, he'll always side with what he believes. Despite his curiosity, he's not much of a risk-taker and stays in his safe circle, unless people above him tell him to do something outside that circle. Pali's easily trusting towards others, sometimes that becomes his own demise. He's very observant and logical, and is usually one of the first to know when something's wrong. At times, he can act selfishly when it comes to his close friends and himself. He'll fight for his motivations and lose sense of the bigger picture. His politeness can get in the way because he won't speak up for himself, but when it comes to his friends, he'll stand up. His irrationality in a crisis surprises everyone and his fighting spirit is unbreakable.

Status:          Alive
Birthplace:    Chiba Prefecture
Occupation:  Student
Affiliation:     U.A. High
Department: Department
                     of Heroes
Class:            3-A

Likes: Water, rolling in sand, nature, fairy lights, blanket forts, fish eggs.

Dislikes: Flying, meat, the cold, spiders, small loud dogs, rude people.

Hobbies: Dancing on the beach, swimming, reading.

Fears: Being in someone else's body.

Habits: Bites his lip often, there's a small sore on his bottom lip.

☆ Appearance:

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: White

Height: 175 cm | 5'9"

Weight: 61 kg | 134 lbs

Build: Pretty slim.

Description: Pali's skin is blue and relatively soft and strange to touch and his teeth are sharp. Attached to his head is a large jellyfish, which the tentacles go way down to mid-thigh. He loves wearing comfortable clothing like hoodies, sweaters and sweatpants, but occasionally will be fashionable.

Quirk: Jellyfish

Type: Mutant

Description: Pali has a large jellyfish attached to his head. It isn't alive until he unattaches it and clones it. The cloning process is simply that he grows another jellyfish under the current one, and the first one is controlled by Pali until it evaporates. The strands on his head can sting and shock people on contact, and when keeping contact can make someone pass out. His head can also glow in the dark and he can breath underwater.


Clone: Pali clones the jellyfish on his head, which fights alongside him in a battle. It can serve as a aide and a lantern.

Sting: His tentacles shock anyone on contact, when constantly shocking, can make someone pass out.

Illuminate:  Pali makes his head glow.

Respiration: Pali can breath underwater!


There's no limit to his clones.

All of his tentacles can sting separately.

He's a fast swimmer.

The clones will evaporate after 5 mins.


He almost constantly needs moisture.

Every time his clones a jellyfish, it takes more and more time. 1 minute for the first one, 3 minutes for the second, 6 for the third, etc.

Shocking and lighting too much gives him a headache, but cloning and making a new jellyfish cancels it.


- Power: 3/5 C

- Speed: 4/5 B

- Technique: 4/5 B

- Intelligence: 3/5 C

- Cooperativeness: 4/5 A


Moisturizing Suit: His suit is permanently damped so he won't dry. He also wears a one piece moisture suit under his clothes and uniform.

Electricity Boost: A metal electricity box connected to his jellyfish head makes the entirety of his body electrified and shocking to touch.

Bulb: Pali's suit can generate a bulb-like helmet, when his head is glowing and the helmet is in use, he's a lightbulb.



Grandmother: Opala Kurage - Pali's grandmother. She takes care of him and the house and Pali loves her very much. 


Shoko Masuri - His childhood friend, the two love each other and support each other 'til the end uwu

Yume Goya - They first got to be friends when Yume hit on him lol

Mirio Togata - Pali idolizes Mirio's outgoing personality and strength and is a big inspiration to him.

Nejire Hado - Nejire's one of the only people that can break Pali's shell!

Tamaki Amajiki - The two are somewhat close, Pali tries his best helping him in social situations.

Hitoshi Shinso - Pali loved his fight in the sports festival and when seeing him when school was ending one day, seized his chance and became friends with him.

Love Interest: tba

☆ Quotes: 

"You're small, that's a good thing! I can use you as a chin rest."

"Ugh, a check from my mom."

"Did you the touch my head? What the hell!?"

"Yes! Mirio's so goddamn cool!"

"You keep me grounded. I think I'd hate myself if you didn't love me."


Haepali (ヘパリ) means jellyfish in Korean, Kurage (クラゲ) also means jellyfish but in Japanese lmao

