Bái Xuě [白雪]



4 years, 8 months ago



Name Bái Xuě [白雪]
Called ???
Age 20
Gender Cis male
Race Ice demon
Height 188 cm
Alignment ???
CV ???

He have a distand and elegant aura, as well the arrogance of a someone who has grown in a golden cradle and the immaturity of those who don't know the world's ills. Despite his prejudiced thoughts, he retains gestures of courtesy, considers them useful to avoid unnecessary problems. He is diligent in his responsibilities, although somewhat stubborn when defending his principles and beliefs. However, despite the protests, eventually he can adapt to an unfavorable environment without many trouble. It has an envious nature that tries to hide behind a curtain of calm and patience, but can't do it at al. Unconsciously, he has a very strong need for approval regarding his family. The cold and distant treatment of them towards him is undoubtedly the cause of this. Refusing to accept this reality, he prefers to embrace resentment.

Additional notes

  • Naturally, he hates heat.
  • It has rarely left the frozen territory.
  • Although he is a capable and skilled person in the handling of ice, his lack of rudeness and robustness is not well seen among demons.
  • Please don't try to touch his horns.
  • It has a constitution considered fragile for its species, but almost average for a slender human.

  • His hair is black, with some grey hair, grouping especially in the front.
  • He appreciates music, however he doesn't know how to play any instrument.
  • He likes order and cleaning.
  • He is used to wearing heavy coats by family tradition.
  • Her facial features are quite thin and could be considered a bit feminine.


He was an ice demon, proud of his lineage. Being part of one of the demonic clan who were a part of the feared and distinguished frozen circle, the luxuries never lacked in his life. Son of the leader, he was the third of four children, he had a quiet and privileged life as far as can be expected in the demonic realm even tought without any memorable event for the most part of his life. Living in silence under the shadow of his older siblings, his parents hardly turned their eyes to him, was it even necessary? Anyway, any petition, any whim was always indulged.

When one day, his father sealed a contract with one of the rival clans, things took an unexpected turn ... for him. Such a poor deal brought as a subsequent consequence to have to give one of his children as a disciple for the rival leader. In that moment, he thought "I had to see that coming". From among his siblings, they wouldn't risk the future clan leader, not even his possible right hand man, and much less the younger one, who was his mother's favorite since birth.He couldn't help but feel betrayed, his own family leaving him in the enemies home. Just like that, with only seventeen years, taking a bow and an loyalty oath to his new master, a new stage would start for him.

Resentful to his parents, he avoided almost any contact at all with them, just the necessary. In clear disagreement with this new situation, he was stubborn and prideful, so he would't allow it to become a major inconvenient in his day to day. He wasn't planning into regretting everyday.

Clearly, he wasn't welcomed in this new "home". His family had a reputation of stabbing in the back and committing treason, they were judged as disloyal and arrogant. Even if most rumors were at least exaggerated, they weren't that far from the truth. His master, was learging, was a cold and prideful person, but determined and capable. Truly respected in her clan, he wouldn't be fair if he refused that as time passed, he learnt more from her than he did from his own siblings, who once were his mentors. It was a truth that despite his displeasure, he was obliged to accept. Avoiding any kind of unnecessary troubles, as well, he never was one of them, with the pass of the years he tried to fit into the setting of that place, as long as he kept his distance and was diligent and courteous he wouldn't have any major problems. His unpleasant comments could stay inside his head and never get out of there.

He avoided to think about his own clan, but with the news running from one place to another, it was fairly impossible. He wanted to remain calm, but his old jealousy and resentment refused to abandon him at all. Between a complicated setting through the ice clans, certain day his father favored him with his presence. The feelings behind this weren't complicated, but he knew well that he had something planned. It wasn't too hard to figure out that he was looking for him to serve as a spy, and eventually kill his own master. He refused fiercely, definetely the loyalty to his master wasn't what stopped him. He wouldn't serve as a tool for someone who barely remembered that he existed and the only time he actually did, it was to abandon him with the enemy. Nevetheless, the persuasive words of his younger sister made him doubt about his position.

It all went wrong. He should have know it. The traitors are garbage, but the indecisive are something worse than that. Trying to escape, he ended up seriously injured by one of his master allies, who seemed to enjoy a lot watching him crawling, trying to preserve his life. Surprisely, he let him escape, while he laught. Humiliated, desperate and furious, he went as far as he could. Hopefully his regenerative skills would let him survive.

But, as far as he advanced, he noticed something strange. Something was wrong. Inside, something was burning, something was corroding, consuming him. When the void was almost eating him, his mind remembered something. Certainly, you should pay more attention to your oaths.



Bái Xiùlán [白秀兰]  [ Eldest sister ]



Bái Wǔ [白武]  [ Eldest brother ]



Bái Yǎlíng [白雅玲]  [ Younger sister ]


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