arabella's Comments

if u ever take offers on them pls lmk /nf

i know this comment is way old but 1. do you know anything about who is currently managing luten?? i tried to reach out to lani thru the most recent social i could find but haven't gotten a response lol and 2. i'm not taking offers on her but i am taking offers on glossina? (which is a lani jibi design) and i made some new jibi designs too the other day and idk if they're legal exactly considering it seems lani doesn't care about closed species anymore but it seems like it makes no real difference if there's not a community for them anyway so if u wanted to look at those they exist too LOL. 

anyway sorry for the long response to a 1.5 yr old comment but i checked and saw you had last logged in 10 days ago and thought i might as well reply since i'm getting back to my oc's and stuff after a super long haitus

LMAAOO NO ITS OKAY!!! Yea I have no clue either. It's been pinging between a few diff ppl, theyve been at a standstill for a REAAAL long while

yeah that’s what it seems like 💀 i feel like lutenfolk’s fate was sealed after lani dumped them all on me and left dc and then i proceeded to dump them all back and leave dc myself LOL. i feel bad for the neglected species bc it’s literally my fav creature type to make or draw to this day 😭 god i love jibis. i’ve decided to just do what i want w my own jibi designs but not rly try to do anything w the species as a whole bc it’s obv pretty dead aaaand not technically mine anymore. if lani comes out of the woodwork to get on me about it that’s cool but until then, i’m gonna just do my thing bc i love jibis

Vinny had gotten permission to take them over, but lani changed their mind n so they've been at a harsh deserted rn.,, idk how active lani will be considering a post that got made a handful of months ago