
4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




UC fur, UC sclera




Pavo is the younger half-brother of Alyssa and the son of Mephisto, a kintaur who sells the souls of others to demons for a living. While Alyssa was always preoccupied with practical matters and didn't have much time for friends, Pavo has always been more social, often going off on random tangents with near-strangers since he was able to talk. Throughout his childhood he was mostly oblivious to his dad's evil dealings, and even in his early teens he elected to ignore it. Unfortunately, this wouldn't last for long. Mephisto made a bad deal with a demon, offering it the body of someone to possess who, unbeknownst to him, had a degenerative eye disease. Enraged that Mephisto would give the demon such a poor quality vessel, the demon cursed Mephisto's son with total blindness, despite Pavo having absolutely nothing to do with the deal.

As a young adult Pavo is snarky and has a very dry sense of humor, often making jokes at his own expense. For whatever reason he has absurdly good luck at most chance-based games so he makes a lot of money through high-stakes poker tournaments against suckers like Skua. He's also fairly good at writing and while he's no J.K. Rowling, he's fairly well-known in writer's circles as a poet and short story author. Despite being blind, Pavo is very capable and gets easily offended if people try to help him without him asking first. His half-sister Alyssa is definitely his best friend- he's one of the few people who can actually make her laugh.