


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info










I - Tempter


"Stripper" - Chain Whip



Ribbon is a Berserker demon that revels in violence and obscenity. Though it may seem a bit stereotypical for a Berserker, fighting in general is an enthralling experience to her. Despite this, she doesn't appear to be very good at it, opting to charge into a fight without much thought, and because of this rarely sees much success. Ribbon also seems to lack a sense of honor when it comes to fighting, often using tricks to gain the upper hand. The only exception to this is magic, which she has recently felt an animosity towards. Less stereotypically, Ribbon does possess a sharp wit, and a silver tongue. Her ability to rally or motivate her compatriots is superb, and were she better at actually plotting, she would even make a great leader. Unfortunately most of her plans are basic and follow the philosophy of "winging it" and hoping for success.

Manage to get on her bad side, one way or another, and she'll hold the grudge for a long time. Seemingly forever. She can't stand criticism of her personality, and worse yet, criticism of Berserkers by other subspecies. Ribbon also looks down on those who use magic, claiming that "all it's good for is blowing yourself up!" and that it's a spineless method in combat.


Growing up in Eastern Hell on the Korean Peninsula, Ribbon was quite content with her life growing up. Once she was placed in more social settings, Ribbon found that she loved talking to people, and people seemed to love talking to her. Over the years, she developed her social status in Eastern Hell as much as she could with smooth talking. Eventually Ribbon felt like her social capabilities were stagnant, barring her from her aspirations of climbing to a position of political power. Worse yet, she found herself pressed with Eastern Hell's pressure to focus on combat and fighting, as she was a Berzerker, though these were activities that she simply had little interest in and was not very good at.

She spent quite a few years fighting as a mercenary, though. She certainly got good enough to be able to compete with other Berzerker fighters, but wasn't anything special. Ribbon's ultimate hopes were that by fighting and earning glory in battle, she would be able to once again elevate her social status. On the contrary, while she was so focused on fighting, she started to lose contact with a lot of former friends. Ribbon was starting to really lose faith in herself and her dreams, and put the frustration into her battles. Eventually, Ribbon developed a sense of war lust, the battlefield becoming her only means of self-expression.

One day, it would seem her love for bloodshed and violence was noticed, and she was pointed to the direction of Hell Corp, a place where her pointless anger could be put to productive use. Ribbon never considered leaving Eastern Hell before, but she had almost no friends here any longer, and she was fighting for nothing. She made the decision to join Hell Corp and migrate to Western Hell with the overwhelming hope that she would be going someplace she could call home, and that the restrictions she felt in Eastern Hell would be shed.


♢ Most of Ribbon's lost battles involved magic users.

♢ Currently little interest in romance, but can be flirtatious.

♢ Loves steak, in particular.

Since joining Hell Corp, Ribbon has:

♢ Participated in a few skirmishes with angels.

♢ Befriended Overalls, and attained a casual outfit while hanging out with her.

♢ Met Etch briefly.

♢ Met Ball Gown and heckled her.