Marcelloix Dailemont



4 years, 7 months ago



Marcelloix Dailemont
32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Ishgardian Elezen
Ex-Knight, Bounty Hunter





  • Drinking
  • The Beach
  • Sleeping In
  • More Drinking


  • Ishgard
  • Hangovers
  • His Past
  • Being Sober


Hair Color:
Black and Graying
Hair Style:
Depressed, Drunken, Friendly
Simple Adventurer Clothes
Always wears his pearl earring
Always has facial hair
Hair is salt and pepper
Hair can down or smoothed back


  • He hails from House Dailemont of Ishgarde, one of the sub houses to the four High Houses of the city.
  • He was the only son of Lord Dailemont and used to be a knight for House Haillenartel, trained as a dragoon.
  • Was exiled from Ishgard and stripped of his knighthood when his father usesd him as a scapegoat for a traitorous scandal.
  • Became a bounty hunter in Ul'dah and met Colson, a hyur gunbreaker, who became his bounty partner and lover.
  • Colson eventually died in an ambush during a hunt and Marcel is now a gunbreaker in memory of his deceased partner.
  • He is a struggling alcoholic but is too scared to go fully sober and is constantly drinking to forget his hurtful past and miserable life.



Marcelloix is a man who has had a long and rough past. He carries on his shoulders a lot of guilt, regret, and sadness that he often has numbed with alcohol. He is, because of this, sadly an alcoholic- though he tries his best these days to monitor himself when it comes to booze. Despite his rough past he is trying to look forward to the future and to be optimistic about things.

Generally Marcel is a pretty relaxed and easy-going guy, easy to approach and talk to so long as you do not inquire too much about him or his past. He is often found at The Quicksand having a drink and chatting or flirting with people. He is well on in age, his hair steadily turning gray a tell-tale sign of this, but he still can keep up with the best of them and has learned a lot of wisdom in his life.

Though he tends to try to keep things surface-level with people to protect his own feelings it isn't hard at all to become friends with the man. He cares deeply for his friend and will do a lot for them but he tries to not let his heart get too attached due to his past. He is open to the idea of a new bounty hunting partner but is also wary, worried to lose someone else he cares for in battle. But should one convince him to take up party with them they will have a loyal and talented fighter at their side.

When it comes to romance Marcel is just as scared to open his heart to love as he is friendship due to his history. He has no qualms with flirting with people at the tavern or even bedding a person, so long as it remains simply a surface-level fling or a casual thing. He has no qualms bedding man or woman though his natural attractions tend to find him leaning toward men. Should he find himself growing attached to a person romantically he might try to pull away in fear of getting attached and losing the person. But he can be swayed to stay. He is just very scared to open his heart like that again and it be hurt.

When out on bounty hunts or quests Marcelloix can become serious and focused, his many years of combat experience showing. He has a good sense of mapping and tracking as well as actual in-battle combat. He is very protective of those that he is hunting with, ready to take a powerful blow himself than let a party member be harmed. He is a confident tank and good with his gunsword, though his true talents lie lie a dragoon's lance, this the true class he was born and raised to be.


Marcelloix was born in Ishgard to House Dailemont, a rich and respected family that was known mostly for its close association with the High House Haillenarte. Marcelloix was raised to be a knight, taught the ways of a dragoon and bound in service to House Haillenarte. In his young adulthood he served diligently, known to be a good fighter. He enjoyed being a knight and had hopes of climbing the ranks.

However his career would not last forever due to a scandal at the hands of his father. Ever a man looking for more means to procure wealth he had done business with less savory groups and the black markets. When these deeds were exposed his father promptly pointed the finger at Marcelloix as the culprit of these misdeeds in order to save himself and "protect" the Dailemont name.

And thus for his own father's actions Marcelloix was stripped of his knighthood and no longer was sponsored by House Haillenarte. His own family turned their backs on him in order to save their own reputations and status within the community. He was all but exiled by the people he had known and fought to defend all his life. Hurt and bitter at his own family's betrayal Marcelloix left Ishgard penniless and honorless.

Taking up residence in Ul'Dah he took to alcohol as a way to numb the wounds of his past, spending all of his time at The Quicksand. At least until meeting a young and charming Hyur gunbreaker by the name of Colson. The young man was full of spirit and life and had a warm heart that Marcel found to be infectious. The two struck up friendship quickly and Colson convinced him to once more pick up the lance and to adventure with him. With nothing else worth while going on in his life Marcelloix agreed and the two became partners.

For several years they traveled together, becoming proficient bounty hunters. Through their adventures they became rather close and told each other much of their lives. It was little surprise to either when the friendship eventually progressed into romance and they became lovers. Marcelloix cared deeply for the Hyur and finally felt like the wounds from his past could be forgotten. But sadly this happiness in his life would not last.

It had been a bounty gone wrong. They had been in the highlands of Caerthas after a bounty when heretics had jumped them. Unprepared for such an ambush Colson was struck down amidst the fight. Marcelloix fended off the remaining heretics, no stranger to this sort of enemy from his time as a knight of Ishgard. But by the time the last had been defeated or fled, there was nothing that could be done for the Hyur. Once again Marcelloix was left hurt and robbed of what he held dear in his life.

A broken man once more Marcel buried his lover and returned to Ul'dah to grieve, taking with him his dear friend's gunblade as a memory of their time together. Once gain he lost himself to the numbing embrace of alcohol, becoming an alcoholic mess. Several years were lost to the bottle, the Elezen doing nothing with his life but wasting away miserable and depressed.

It wasn't until he took a trip back to Colson's grave did he realize how much he was wasting his life, a rose of reality hitting him as he sat before the humble tombstone. The other would have scolded him for letting his life fall to a drunken ruin like this. Colson would be ashamed to see Marcelloix so pathetic. The thought made his soul ache and he felt ashamed of himself. And so upon returning home he sat down the bottle and took up instead his friend's gunblade.

Though now getting on in age and past the spry of youth Marcelloix has once again become a bounty hunter, though has retired his lance and in honor of Colson become a gubreaker. He still struggles with his alcoholism and has much shame and guilt lingering in him but he tries to look forward to the future and open his heart to new friends and his life to new adventures.