Alkau Regicido



4 years, 8 months ago



Pronounced: al-cow rej-ee-see-doh

Nicknames: Sensei (by Nio), π’π―π‘Šπ³ (belu, "old man"; by Eul'ja)

Gender: male

Age: 29 at start of Bounty Hunter Arc

Height: 7'6", not counting horns or tail

Species: leginian

Ethnicity: Fafiki Pandese

Nationality: Pandese

Place of origin: Main de la Mère district, Anezrom, Pande, Fafik

Native language: Pidgin Common

Additional languages: yes

Identifying features: Round horns, earrings, scar across left eye, smaller scar above right eye

Education: Master's degree in Primitive Linguistics from Thegniu Imperial University

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Residence: The Gypsy

Planetary base: Honua, Ayrith, Urch, Pandese Empire

Character synopsis: Growing up in the slums of Anezrom - raised by his older sister, Alkua - Alkau had a keen interest in language and no interest in the gang life that all his peers fell in to - despite the fact that his own brother, Alkoi, ran the notorious Green Queens. Having a famous revolutionary ancestor (known only as Mama Regicido, as her real first name was lost to history), Alkau always longed for more - to make a difference as his ancestor did. Through hard work he was able to gain acceptance to the prestigious Thegniu Imperial University, where he studied linguistics. After graduating, he was expected to join the Imperial Expansion Corps to work as a translator of new languages encountered during colonization efforts - however, the IEC refused to accept him despite the assignment of the Workers' Placement Ministry. Because he was a "savage" leginian from the worst part of Anezrom, it was assumed that the only reason why he could attend Thegniu Imperial, let alone graduate, was due to bribery using the proceeds of illegal activities.

Unable to take his assignment from the Workers' Placement Ministry, Alkau was left with little to do; while as a leginian he could receive clemency for unemployment, Alkau did not want to be a welfare leech like those he'd grown up around. Burned by the IEC, however, he had no desire to join the military; the only real option left to him, short of going into crime, was to become a bounty hunter. He acquired the Gypsy and quickly became known for his level-headed effectiveness and thorough investigations... in addition to his intimidating appearance as a scarred, chain-smoking leginian. Between hunts, Alkau could usually be found in Honua, an "underdeveloped economic zone" where the market runs rampant, gathering supplies for his ship and eating fresh food for the first time in months.

While searching for a bounty head on Yapon, Alkau passes through a small town in the Hibikiken prefecture, Ushimura (牛村). After returning empty-handed to the Gypsy, he has a strange few days in which food and water supplies seem to randomly deplete, in addition to strange noises from the ship's vents... it turns out he has a stowaway, young Nio Narana. Alkau initially plans to simply leave Nio in Honua, but he's impressed by how quickly Nio is able to learn Common from him and how quickly his jumpiness melts away as Alkau teaches him basic self-defense techniques. By the time they reach Urch, Alkau is resigned to the fact that Nio is now his partner. Frankly, he needed one anyway; it's not considered wise for a bounty hunter to operate solo, as he has been for many years.