Basic Info


Zade Serpentus






Andean Mountain Cat (with some reptilian traits)


Bisexual (preference towards men)


Married to Iolyte


The Serpentuses were, once upon a time, apart of the nobility families of the [???] monarchy, but the entire house turned away from the king and queen after a famous politcal dispute and was rumored to have left and settled in the mining village of [???]. Thus, become rather infamous among those into politics.

After the nobility had been thoroughly washed out of the family, they pursued a controversial life of treasure hunting, which in some cases seemed more like stealing and grave-robbing. Zade was raised to adapt into the family business ever since she was old enough to walk.

After the pursuit of adding various treasures and such to the stash, Zade grew to be fond of her job, despite the lack of ethics involved in some of the acts. Her motivation is mostly fueled by greed of anything shiny and valuable-looking, and even if she had no interest in keeping it for herself, she would turn the artifact in to the black market for money.

Without much of a conscious for others who are unlucky enough to find themselves between Zade and her goals, she doesn't appear to be bothered much at the thought of killing someone--or many people--to silence them or get them out of the way, or both. Despite being the subject of hearsay and rumors in the underground, much about Zade's whereabouts and targets are unknown, as she is practically impossible to track. 

Another mystery surrounding her is the weird phenomenon surrounding the discharge of electricity from her rattle-like tail. It's speculated that the rattle on the end of her tail is actually an artifact somehow attached to the end of her tail, which constantly fires off electrical bolts. Some say she was born with it as a supernatural defect. Zade refuses to tell the truth about it.

It may have something to do with her strange fascination with anything electric, as anything that is electrically powered or just discharges volts immediately ends up in her personal collections. Her favorite method of killing involves electrocuting them to death with said tail. Her fascination is probably what drew her after the [???]. And while strangely she personally doesn't believe the [???] exists or even functions, she was delighted to find the [???] was real, and thus went out to get it for herself.

Like her husband, her name is a corruption of the name of a precious stone (Jade). Though she didn’t change it, her parents chose her name.