Asher Nightingale



4 years, 8 months ago


  • Asher Nightingale

  • 16800574_nyh76YpTeoy6duU.png
  • Personality ENTP 6w7
  • Appearance Age 20
  • Gender Male 
  • Height 5’3”
  • Occupation Magic Police
  • Race Dark Magic
  • Magic Dark Binary Star 
  • BirthdayAugust 30th
  • Date of CreationOctober 11th 2017
  • Theme  


 "See? This tool of yours isn’t good anymore. Just throw it away."



Asher is playful and mischievous, often finding petty ways to make trouble for those around him. Due to his personality forming after Caius gave him part of his soul, Asher’s base emotions are an exaggerated version of Caius’ negative feelings. This made him obsessive, clingy, and jealous in the past. Once he gained his own body, while he still holds these base instincts, he has been able to suppress them with the memories he holds from before he met Caius. Asher, when not in a situation where he can tease someone, is serious and earnest. He cares for those around him deeply, including his creator who only made him to corrupt others. He can often be found enjoying talking to others and can be considered an ambivert. However, he holds very low self worth, especially as he knows he is still under the control of his creator. His weakness to have control over his life frustrates him despite being one of the strongest beings in the realm. Asher carries a fear of hurting those around him that often prevents him from getting closer to others despite enjoying their company. Yet, he is motivated by this fear to find a way to permanently separate himself from his creator.



Eye Color: Silver

Hair Color: Black

Frame: Feminine




  • Being appreciated and recognized.
  • His girlfriend Kira.
  • Keeping up on current news and events.
  • Working with others.


  • The medallion hanging around his neck is the collar that binds him to his creator, which cannot be damaged.
  • The hieroglyphs on his medallion read “curse”.
  • Asher’s color scheme is opposite of Caius’.
  • Being alone.
  • The ancient charm that binds him to his duty as black magic.
  • Obeying orders from his creator.
  • Dark and light magic.

  • Asher was given his name by Caius’ younger brother after he was purified and about to return to being a monster.
  • Asher’s flower, the anemone, symbolizes fading hope and a feeling of being forsaken as well as anticipation.











Asher was created as concentrated dark magic by a demon. This demon first sent him out into the Human World as a monster to torment humans due to its jealousy. At this time, Asher had no mind of his own and blindly followed orders. He was often exterminated by those who called themselves knights, which would result in him becoming formless and being scolded by his creator until he was turned back into a monster and sent back into the human world. 

Eventually, the demon that created him realized that a physical monster was less effective than one that could enter the minds of others and torment them until he could consume their soul. Thus, Asher went from body to body destroying the wills of those he took over. While Asher retained memories of each person he took over, he held no attachment to them and simply used them to pretend he was the person he was currently possessing.

Asher remained a mindless tool for his creator until he entered Caius’ body. Caius did not allow Asher to break him due to the hope of finding his brother eventually. However, once Caius was unable to bear torment from the hospital on the outside and Asher on the inside, he gave Asher part of his soul so that he would gain Caius’ values. From this point on, Asher was able to see from a human perspective and gain a realization of how the world functioned. While he still remained a puppet who was trying to destroy others, he gained an obsession for finding Caius’ brother that ultimately helped him gain his individuality.

Once Caius reunited with his brother Caio, Asher’s nature was in conflict. With the piece from Caius’ soul he felt a connection to Caio and wished to protect him, but with his reason for being created Asher felt as if he needed to destroy him. However, the obsession gained from Caius’ soul was stronger, leading Asher to allow Caio to purify him.

After being purified, Asher wandered around the hospital that Caius had stayed at before he reunited with Caio, formless. Eventually, Asher met with Caio during his visit to the hospital and convinced him to help him gain his own form, mostly through trying to make Caio feel responsible for his creation through Caius.

Through an ancient spell that Asher taught Caius, Asher was able to gain his own body separate from Caius after his meeting with Caio. At this moment, he realized he had fallen in love with the friend Caius had made during his stay at the hospital. While Asher confessed to her and she accepted him, he felt as if he could not be with her until he separated himself from his creator.

When Asher went to his creator to appeal for his freedom, his creator laughed at him and stated that while he would allow for Asher’s continued freedom in his new body, he would continue to watch his struggle as Asher attempted to be human.

Caius Nightingale

[ Host ] 

Caio Nightingale

[ Host’s Younger Twin Brother ] 
