


4 years, 7 months ago


work in progress !! please dont mind anything poorly written/incosistent/inaccurate !

Seiichi Suzuki

Seiichi Suzuki
Also known as
thief name

Angry-looking student



鈴木 聖一
Suzuki Seiichi

Persona 5
Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Date of Birth
February 13

c. 1999

180 cm (5'11")
76 kg (168 lbs)
Blood Type
A+ (RH-)
Melee Weapon

Apate, ultimate persona
song title here

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Seiichi Suzuki, Persona 5

Seiichi Suzuki is a playable character from Persona 5. put more info here if you want to




"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Seiichi Suzuki to another character, Persona 5

Seiichi is known for his bad mouth and even worse attitude. He is rarely seen in classes, but when he is around, many students and teacher tend to stay out of his way, if only to avoid his wrath.


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Early Life

Seiichi was born to the well-respected leader of a small, but fairly influential Yakuza syndicate in Shibuya. His mother died shortly after he was born, leaving his father, ____ Suzuki, to raise him on his own. As a child, he had trouble making friends due to his complicated home life, and ended up spending much of his time around his father and other clan members. Though it was no place for a child, Seiichi was welcomed by his father's associates and he was able to find solace in their company. His father's leadership in the clan allowed Seiichi to live a rather lavish and comfortable life, though he was ushered in to clan practices well before he was meant to. Despite his [dads name here] apprehension on the matter, he allowed it out of the guilt that his son wasn't able to find comfort in others his age.

By the time he reached middle school, Seiichi was well known for being not only an outcast, but also a troublemaker. Other students tended to stay away from him, but those who did dare to talk to him were quickly scared off by his abrasive personality. His bad-boy personality, however, always seemed to attract curious girls who were fascinated by his ruthless behaviour. Much of his middle school life was riddled with on and off relationships and he left a trail of broken hearts behind him. At home, he honed the skills that his elders had taught him and absorbed as much information as he could get. He was eager to impress his father and the others around him, doing anything that he could to get their attention.

As a first year in high school, Seiichi accompanied a few other clan members on a deal as an almost unofficial inauguration into the clan. He hadn't told his father before going, wanting to save the news for when he'd succeeded. Unbeknownst to him, the deal was a plan to get him away from his father in order to carry out an assassination on the clan leader.

Overjoyed by his accomplishment in the deal, Seiichi immediately rushed to greet his father with the good news once he had returned home and walked in on his father's dead body.

Overcome with grief, Seiichi is unable to see that those around him had betrayed both him and his father. In the days following his father's murder, an app is installed onto his phone without his knowledge. At first, he tries to delete it, but eventually succumbs to his ___ and gives up on getting rid of it.

Persona 5

Seiichi is well known to the other students of Shujin as a gang member. Though many rumours circulate his name, no one has ever pinpointed the gang to which his alliance lies. Most of rumours are of small, petty crimes, though there are a few that do touch upon his true nature. He doesn't physically show up until [insert later month here], as he's known to cut class more often than not, but there are many comparisons between him and [insert MC here] in the story's beginning.

When first appearing to [MC], Seiichi is seen in the back streets of Shibuya in the Airsoft shop talking with Munehisa Iwai. Though it isn't clear as to what they were talking about, Seiichi seems upset that [MC] walked in on their conversation, and glares at him before leaving. Upon asking Iwai about this mysterious Shujin student, [MC] is only told that he is the son of Iwai's old boss. Seiichi is seen in the shop occasionally on Tuesdays and Thursdays until his formal introduction later on in the story.

Behind the scenes, Seiichi is disposing of the members of his clan in an attempt to get to the top and take proper revenge for his father. He takes out whoever he deems to have had been involved with the fall of his father, and does so by going into their Palaces and killing their cognitive selves.


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"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―a character about Seiichi Suzuki, Persona 5

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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  • TBA

Profile by Erandia