Chime Lobsang



4 years, 8 months ago



loyal . severe . strong . competitive

Name Chime Lobsang
Called ...
Gender Female
Age 25
DoB April 3
Sign Aries
Height 5'6"
Build Muscular
Species Tibetan Mastiff
Role Mercenary/Bodyguard
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme ♪♪♪


  • Sweets
  • Cute Things
  • Working Out
  • The Mountains


  • Losing
  • Hot Weather
  • Being Bored
  • Fancy Clothes


Chime grew up in the solo care of her father, a mercenary and monster hunter. Her childhood was spent roaming the wilds with him, learning how to hunt, barter, and survive. Her father started to train her from an especially young age to walk quietly by tying bells into her hair. She got so used to carrying them around with her that now, as an adult, she incorporates them into her clothing still, though she isn’t usually so concerned with travelling quietly anymore. Her father instilled in her the value of being the strongest, and trained her relentlessly, hoping that eventually she would surpass him. Eventually, she did, and after he retired, she inherited his battle axe. Her father now lives with his brother’s family, a nomadic tribe of shepherds.

As an adult, Chime now works alone. She visits her family between excursions, but mostly busies herself with her own mercenary work. She’s done everything from standard mercenary brutalism, to bodyguarding merchant shipments, to participating in gladiator fighting rings for prize money. She never learned to settle down, and is always looking for the next exciting thing.

She is generally stoic and unfriendly to those she doesn’t know, and takes a long time to warm up to others. She is extremely focused on her goals and doesn’t like when people try to draw her away from whatever she is trying to achieve—she also can’t stand being seen as weak or lesser. Once she is with friends, she’s goofy and energetic, and constantly looking for people to challenge her, always looking for an excuse to show off her strength. Because of her solitary upbringing, her manners aren’t particularly polished; she eats like she’s not seen food in years, and next to never uses utensils. She laughs too loud, speaks crassly, and has no respect for other people’s personal space. She also doesn’t smile often, and when she does, it isn’t usually friendly. Despite her unfriendly appearance, once Chime deems you her friend, you are under her protection for as long as she lives.

Chime’s spirit form takes that of a Tibetan Mastiff. Her spirit is a pillar of protection and strength, and her family’s bloodline is historically respected. Though, Chime isn’t actually aware of the legacy of her family, and if it’s ever brought up to her, she usually treats it like some weird joke.



Character Name


[to be added]




[to be added]


Dawa Lobsang


[to be added]