

4 years, 8 months ago




OccupationWaiter in a bar


+ Benevolent | Daring | Energetic | Observant | Perceptive | Sociable +
~ Curious | Insouciant | Proud | Stylish ~
- Clumsy | Demanding | Foolish | Tactless | Self-conscious -

「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 」
「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 」
「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Beauty care
 Handsome men
 Attentions in general
 Friends and parties
 Maple syrup candies 


Unsupportive people
Spicy food
Not having a lot of money
His father
His bed hair


「 He's an active member in an LGBTQI+ Center. 」
「 Tries his best to look perfect, as he's still a bit insecure about his appearance, since highschool. 」
「 Binge eats quite a lot when down but then makes it up by going to the gym to feel better. 」
「 Not many people actually stay friends with him as they tend to find him too clingy. 」
「 But the kids from the center love him, so he doesn't care that much in the end. 」

「 His dream job's always been to become a singer, but that simply never happened for him, though he does have a very beautiful voice. 」
「 When he was a kid, his parents used to take him with them on vacations everywhere they went, which is how he grew so fond of travelling. 」


TW: ???

「Born in Canada, Eric got used to move in and out pretty often at a young age due to his parents' job. Both were business people who had to travel a lot around the world to get their job done. And their son followed them as soon as he was able to. Both his dad and mom were lovely and gave him as much attention as they could, back then, even when they were so busy. But the one who gave the little boy more attention was the mommy. To this day, Eric will still say that this woman is an angel. She used to spend all of her free time with her son whenever she was home. They played together a lot. The little boy loved to perform and sing with his mother, while the father quietly listened in the background, smiling and happy with his family.

But it all started to change when the boy arrived in middle school. No matter how friendly and kind he was, he couldn't make any friends at school. His parents started to worry about it, especially since he seemed sadder and sadder everytime he came home. The other kids bullied him because he was different. Because he came from a wealthy family and changed school very often. His parents thought they'd make him take home classes, but then something happened.

Age 13, Eric made his very first friend. Another boy in his class who'd defend him against the others. He was very nice and somewhat very different from the other guys in their school. From then, Eric seemed happier and happier everytime he came back from school, with always news things to tell his parents about his best friend.

Years passed by and luckily, Eric got to stay a little longer in the same country, thanks to his parents' job. He spent there the rest of middle school alongside his best friend. And quickly started to grow feelings for him. But it wasn't mere appreciation towards a friend. It was more than that. With time and because of Eric's breakdown that still happened from time to time whenever his friend wasn't around, they started to get very close. Pats on the shoulder, hugs, holding hands, kisses on the cheek and so on. These became usual for the two boys until they came to the conclusion that they loved each other. Secretly, they started to go out. They had been told it was wrong before, but they couldn't live without each other. Especially Eric without his bestie.

Age 16. Their relationship was still a secret to evryone but them. But it was time for Eric's family to move out again. Except this time, the teen was really against it. He struggled to find arguments to convince his parents to stay or to ask their superiors to make them stay a little longer in the country, but they refused. And ultimately, because of all the efforts he made to make them change their mind, they asked him to be honest and tell them why he wanted to stay so badly here.

He answered honestly, though after a lot of hesitation. He was scared about his parents' reactions.
And while his father started to yell at him... his mother defended him and hugged him. The poor boy cried a lot that day, snuggled against his mother, hearing nothing but the screams of his parents yelling at each other for the first time.

After that, they moved out. Eric was able to bid goodbye to his very first lover who was introduced to his mother before their departure. It still is a painful memory for him, but he could learn from that experience the feeling of loving and being loved. Sadly, he lost contact with the other teen after a year.
At home, it wasn't easy. His father wouldn't talk to him. And barely to his mother. So after a few months, divorce occured and Eric got to stay with his mother. Still working hard, she did everything she could to support her son on her own. Even though she had even less time than before to spend time with him.
Highschool was tough. Other teens being very hard on each others, he developed his first complexes, and still hasn't quite grown out of them nowadays, though he tries.

Still he succeeded in his studies and tried multiple times to get into the singing field, but in vain.
Still, his mother remained supportive and was very glad when he told her he found a new boyfriend, at 20 years old. She was then sad when she was told, a year later, that he would move to England with him, but knew it was about time her son flew on his own. He was stronger now and seemed so happy with the man.
Age 21, he arrived in London with his boyfriend and stayed with him for about two months... then broke up.
Eric had to move out.

At his lowest, he did his best to reassure his mother who worried a lot since she had learned about his breakup. She offered him several times to come back to her, but he wanted to prove her he could make it through. And he did.
In his new home, he got to meet Merlin. A strange, 'old' and handsome man who showed himself as kind as mysterious. They became friends over a few months and started to hang out with each other a lot. Merlin sort of took him under his wing and seemed to actually appreciate his company. Though sometimes he needed space, Eric was smart enough to let him be until they could grab a beer together again. And when he became member of an LGBTQI+ center, a year later, he learned about Merlin's sexuality, which only made them closer.
The old man helped him getting out of the pit and Eric is very grateful about that.
Nowadays, Merlin's still one of his closest friend, as for his fiance Arthur. After all, he did play the matchmaker for the two.

And even though learning about... the surprising origins of both of them was quite a shock for the young man, he still considers them great friends. He still struggles a little to wrap his head around the reveal, but he'll manage eventually. Meanwhile, he still has the people from the center to take care of, his job to attend to, and... a new neighbour in arrival ?」

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