Jackson Reyes



4 years, 8 months ago


Jackson Reyes is the reincarnate of Ares; God of War. This is where he gets his murderous tendencies and explosive anger. 

As a child Jackson was raised in the creepy mansion at the end of the street with his four siblings, including his brother Issac, along with his mother Irienne, and his father Anthony. Jackson greatly resented his parents for the way they treated him and his siblings. While his father was often away tending to his monopolized corporation, Reyes Industries, his mother was busy turning their home into a brothel. She would bring home one or even two men every night and once she had finished fulfilling her side of the deal, she would leave to the balcony where she would smoke a cigarette. She cared very little for what the men did after, even if that meant they would stay a bit longer just to torment the children. At age twelve Jackson had decided he'd had enough and set fire to their family home, under the assumption that everyone was inside. Little did he know that his father had slipped away unheard for a last minute business trip and his brother, Issac, had snuck out of the house in attempt to rebel against his mother who had grounded him the previous day. Jackson sat across the street as the fire blazed through the house and destroyed what he thought to be the entirety of his family. 

Jackson continued his life with his brother Issac through a handful of foster homes and orphanages, though he and his brother never cared to stay in one place for long. Jackson is currently figuring out he is the reincarnate of a god and finding his purpose in the world. [more to be added as his story progresses...]