- - Bree Riddle - -



4 years, 7 months ago


Bree Riddle - -

Gender: F 

Age: 26

Personality: Smart, ambitious, daring, witty, iron nerves

Occupation: Private Detective

Accessories: magnifying glass, Short high-heeled black boots, vintage dress, clips in hair

Extra Facts: 

Lives in London, constantly taking risks, 

very logical, always has hair up, 

lives in the 1920s about, brother is Basil McMurdo, a police inspector


Though her Scottish-British father's surname is McMurdo, Bree has always gone by her

late mother's name Riddle, owing to the fact that her father never liked her decision to

become a private detective. This lead to her father becoming very proud of Basil and altogether ignoring Bree, and discontinuing

her from his vast fortune. Bree was always told that her mother, however, was always very proud of Bree. She died when Bree was 

only three. 

Her older brother Basil is 32 while she herself is about 26. They enjoy a brotherly and sisterly banter 24/7. Basil is known to

occasionally ask Bree for help on his cases, and Bree goes to Basil whenever she needs official help, such as ordering an arrest

or looking up people's antecedents.

Note: Bree is part of a roleplay called 'The Network' on scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25707202/projects/

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