


7 years, 9 months ago


:bulletyellow:Name: Helle
:bulletyellow:DoB: unknown, but celebrates it the day she was found, on April 11th (Aries)
:bulletyellow:Hometown: unknown, probably a small village near Acuity Lakefront
:bulletyellow:Sexuality: ???
:bulletyellow:Status: single
:bulletyellow:Family: father (adoptive), mother (adoptive), twin brothers (one is Friksos, the other died as an infant) ; Cynthia and Cyrus are considered as godparents, and she also considers Uxie as a godfather, if not even a father.
:bulletyellow:Occupation: none/tba

Collected || Patient and enduring || Clever || Seemingly apathetic at times || Determined || Faithful, puts a lot of trusts in loved ones || Open-minded for some things, but very close-minded for others || Devoted and obedient || Reliable || Pacifist

:bulletyellow:Likes: stargazing, mythology and religion, family, order, reading, warm dishes (like soups), feeling useful
:bulletyellow:Dislikes: hot weather and strong lights, injustice, insubordination, crowded places, being somewhere with nobody she knows with her, ungratefulness

 :bulletyellow:Main story: 
Helle was born in a small, almost invisible village near Acuity Lake, by people known as the "Three-Eyed Tribe" who apparentely worshipped the lake guardians and especially Uxie (it is speculated that there are similar tribes worshipping Mesprit and Azelf).
Since she was born as a trigemini child and when she and her brothers turned one year-olds the rare low tide of Acuity Lake permitted entrance to the sacred cave even without the use of Surfing Pokemon, the tribe people thought of the children as blessed by the Guardians and ready to be taken by them (and probably thought to become some sort of saviors/messiahs). The three twins were so left in a casket inside the cave in what was probably ceremonial wear, the tribesfolk convinced the Lake Guardians, or at least Uxie, would protect and take them.

Thankfully, -younger!- Cynthia and Cyrus had heard of the rare low tide too, and had decided to camp nearby to study the sacred cave, so when they heard children's wailing they immediately went to check. In the cave they found two of the twins crying in the casket, terrorized and too afraid to move, and the third twin in a corner of the cave, dead; he had probably gotten out of the casket, and a swarm of Zubats thought of him an easy prey. 
The police was immediately called, but no signs of a village could be found in the forest. The surviving children were to be put up for adoption, and Cynthia offered to take care of them and look for a good family at the same time, not really trusting the system.

After a chat with Cyrus, Cynthia decided to name the children ("I know they're so young that the new family can choose to rename them, but what am I to call them in the meantime?!" "Cynthia, Cynthia, how naive you are; when you name someone or something, it implies you're bound to get attached to them." ) : since the kids were rescued on April 11th (which would become their birthday) and so under the sign of Aries, according to mythology the constellation of Aries was in honour of a sacred ram who saved the twins Friksos and Helle, and so those were the name picked for the twins (admittedly, Cynthia also picked them because it also symbolically merged her interest -mythology- with Cyrus' -astrology- and deep in her heart she would have wanted to keep the twins and raise them with Cyrus).

They noticed while bathing the children that Helle's pink/red hair color wasn't natural -she's blonde like her brother-, but a sort of natural/weak dye; since the child who died had blue hair, they assumed he was dyed too, and the children had to symbolize through their colors Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie. The children also had a red mark on their forehead, kind of like an indian bindi, which however didn't seem to go away with washing it.

Even though Cyrus was afraid of the children being a nuisance, especially due to their trauma, the twins turned out to be the easiest children to be ever dealt with, almost always quiet, moving only if allowed, always obedient, etc. and they also didn't cause trouble to Jupiter and the others that Cyrus was taking care of -Mars and Saturn- (which to a young teen, preteen and kid meant they stayed out of the way).
After a while they also started loosening up and speaking a few words, but both Cynthia and Cyrus noticed that the children were learning how to talk at a frightening speed. Later on they would also find them talking to a wall/themselves, which Cynthia shrugged off as precocious invisible friends. Cyrus, however, was much more keen in observing them; he had infact noticed that at times Helle and Friksos' forehead markings would glow faintly, and they would either say or do something exceptionally clever (once they even doodled over Cyrus' schemes, and the doodles turned out to be the correct links that Cyrus was still looking for to complete a machine). Cynthia took it as Cyrus finally getting fond of the children, so was happy and never questioned his interest.

Months were going by fast, and Cynthia had found a good family for Helle and Friksos, but was still broken-hearted to give them up, especially after the two had started to refer to her as "mommy"; so she was very reluctant one week to leave for a few days to attend to her duties as the youngest -and first female- Champion the Pokeworld had seen (Red wasn't still a trainer back then) but Cyrus assured her he'd take good care of everyone (he mainly saw it as an opportunity to study the twins).
On the second night that Cynthia was away, Cyrus woke up in the middle of the night to find himself tied up and with no means to reach his Pokeballs. He could hear loud commotion in the house, and the twins crying; the last thing he could remember was an Abomasnow looming over him, and he was unconscious once again.

The morning later the house was in chaos, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars were screaming for Cyrus tied in their beds and the twins were missing. Cyrus tried to calm down the situation as quickly as he could to then go to the League to find Cynthia. It was obvious that Helle and Friksos were kidnapped, most probably by that crazy tribe, and the young woman called the police and left all of her duties to go and find them, but due to her impulse she ended up crashing with her Garchomp and injurying herself instead. Cyrus had to proceed alone, while Cynthia was unconscious in the hospital.
Luckily, the police was fast to act and they had saved the twins from a mass suicide in Acuity Lake, along from arresting a few survivors from the tribe/cult. Helle and Friksos were adopted soon after, even though it broke Cynthia's heart, but thankfully the adoptive parents were friends of Cynthia and allowed her and Cyrus not only to visit the kids on a weekly basis/whenever they wanted, but also to become their godparents.

From then on, Helle's life went on quite normally: school, friends, all that kind of stuff. She was loved and spoiled by her adoptive parents, and she was grateful for it. However, she still kept the ability to have sudden genius sparks and to seemingly speak with an unknown presence -which was later identified as Uxie-, and she wasn't ashamed to do so even in public, earning her the freak title. She didn't mind much, as she wasn't bullied anyways, and kept doing her best to be a perfect daughter.
(She also didn't know for most of the time about the tragedy she and Friksos had to endure as children, until Cyrus considered them old enough to know.)

Helle still loved spending tons of time with Cynthia and Cyrus, even after the two broke up. She loved learning of myths from Cynthia and her strong yet calm and sweet attitude, and she equally loved studying new galaxies and complex machinery with Cyrus, appreciating his cleverness and his visions of a new world. She ended up agreeing more with Cyrus though, enjoying his idea of a new world without strife and injustice, for this current world was far too polluted to be saved. However, she didn't agree with wiping away the spirit from humans, and thought their incompleteness was because of the lack of enough spirit; were humans to have more of a spirit, of a knowledge, of emotions, they would naturally know what shouldn't be done, and crimes would be avoidable. She spent countless times trying to convince Cyrus that the Lake Trio would have been very useful for the new world, to improve humans with their gifts, but he always dismissed that.

Friksos never agreed with his sister's opinions, considering them foolish and crazy as much as Cyrus', and growing up the two came to drift away from each other (he also never liked Helle's overly religious side, and her reverence for Uxie). Cynthia blamed Cyrus for it, for polluting Helle's innocence with his crazy dreams, and Friksos kind of teamed up with his godmother to try and reason with Helle to bring her back to their side.

(Helle's story during Team Galactic's rise and fall is still to be decided, but is very likely to support Cyrus and Team Galactic; after all the mayhem and when Cyrus stayed in the Distortion world, she and Cynthia would visit him at least once a week to try and convince him to go back to their world)


Main team: Slowking, Xatu, Elgyem, Porygon Z, Unown !, Metagross; has a pet/companion Psyduck

Solomon -> Slowking, male
Helle's signature Pokemon, she found Solomon near Acuity Lakefront when she was 10, and the two started a sort of -very calm- philosophical arguement. The Slowking took a liking in the girl's acute mind, and the two met for several days to discuss, or even for Helle to be mentored by him, until eventually their bond was so strong that the Pokemon decided to join her for life. Solomon is very quiet and clever, just like most of his species (like most of them, he's also able to speak), and a pacifist at heart. He doesn't like giving straight answers, because he prefers to just leave clues and let people use their minds to find the answers, but he's otherwise very generous. He likes to try to tempt Apollo into relaxation with tea parties and other sweet treats.

Apollo -> Xatu, male
An extremely nervous and anxious Xatu, his ability to foresee makes him worry a lot about actions, the surroundings, and his beloved. Tends to keep all of the knowledge to himself in fear to upset others, but eventually explodes after bottling up for so long. Is always on edge, and even though is extremely protective of others, is a bit of a cowards/thinks destiny has already been set, so doesn't do much to change things. Often helps Helle with her history studies, but refuses to talk when asked about future things (Helle asks about how society will be for personal curiosity, and about future technologies to help Cyrus).

Akhenaten -> Elgyem, male
Helle found the little Pokemon during a trip to Unova with Cynthia. He is mostly silent, but when actually speaks up is a bit of a spoiled brat, and acts like a kiddy prince. Seems to know a lot about outer space though and is more clever than he seems, but needs to be heavily bribed to obtain any kind of information from him. Is actually a good and eager fighter, he likes to show off his power.

Prometheus -> Porygon Z
A gift from Team Galactic, TBA

Rosetta -> Unown (! variant; identifies as female)
Rosetta was found during a trip to Sinjoh with Cynthia, and is a very curious Unown who was looking for a worthy (read as: clever enough and with the means to travel often) trainer to let her see the world. She is quite bored by paperwork, and is usually in bad mood when people ask her help to decipher anything, she makes an exception only when Helle or Cynthia read her exciting stories. Despite her brave and energetic personality, she really doesn't like much to battle.

Raziel -> Metagross (identifies as female)

Cassandra -> Psyduck, female
Helle's pet and first Pokemon, she was gifted to her by Cyrus to see if Helle's "powers" could unlock a Psyduck's potential without requiring its evolution. Cassandra is very attentive of her surroundings for being a Psyduck, but is still pretty much dumb most of the time. She does have some moments in which she tries to warn others of impending damage, but usually no one at exception of Helle pays attention to her.

 (brother) @captainrei

---Cynthia (godmother) canon character
---Cyrus (godfather) canon character

---more tba

:bulletyellow: Trivia:

  • Believes in fate
  • Likes oversized sweaters, she often tries on other people's ones too; on the other side, she hates short skirts, she would rather stay in her panties than them (she has no issues with long skirts though)
  • Gets dizzy when smelling strong scents, she kind of loves/hates gardens because of that
  • While her cooking is very precise, sometimes is even too much "by the book" and is noticeable how it's lacking love and personal interpretation
  • Prefers neutral and natural colors like cream, brown, and green.
  • Likes circular shapes, her favorite planet is Saturn because of its rings (with many puns on poor Commander Saturn).
  • Either in some point of her story I still have to decide, or in AUs, she becomes a Team Galactic Admin member (under Commanders, but above Grunts) ; her codename as a Galactic Member is Admin Columba (a constellation whose meaning is "dove").