Sam [Zeta]



4 years, 8 months ago



Name Sam
Called SamSam/Sammy
Age 22
Species Candyfloss
Gender Male
Flavour Pop
Height tba
Role Artist
Clan Zeta
Power Freeze objects and other individuals

Where are you...? I... I miss you so much...


  • Vicky
  • Hang out with friends
  • Social media
  • Parties


  • The unkown
  • Being left alone
  • content
  • content


Sam is a super relaxed floss, he is kind and super sensible. Despite his "mean" or "evil" look that he might have, he is extremly soft inside.

This soft boy created a barrier between him and other flosses, that's why he might have this "mean" look, because of his teenager days. He just don't want to be too close to others, because he is afraid of losing them one day, is afraid of being left alone with no one beside him.

Beyond all the barriers Sam creates, he is super easy going once the ice is broken, he likes to go to parties and spends a lot of time in social media, because he finds it easier to talk to people and still be distant, thing that in real life becomes harder. Other reason that might lead him to use social media with such intensity might be to find his sister.

Sam got a petpet for him so he won't feel so alone, because deep inside he felt sad for not build a strong relationship with anyone, but he was so afraid of letting anyone enter his life that he just couldn't do it even if he really wanted. With this petpet he knows that he never would let him alone, he would always have someone by his side.

After such hard time with dealing with others, Sam managed somehow to make a few friends and even get a girlfriend that he loves to death.

Family backstory

Sam had a happy and close family, or at least he thought that. One day, his parents said they needed to talk to him and Allie about something. They were going to split up and dad was going to move to another house. Sam got pretty sad and actually he had no one close to him, only his sister and her best friend Noelle, where the ones that spent the most time with him. Allie was pretty shaken by this, but there was nothing she could do, the only thing keeping her happy was her best friend Noelle.

Some time later, her mom found another man and decided she was ready to date again. From that relationship was born Allie's half-sister, Bunny.

Allie and Noelle grew up together, always being there for each other, through the good and the bad. Because of that, Allie started to have feelings for her best friend, only to find out that Noelle had feelings for her too. They decided to talk to their families, thinking they would accept but for their shock, Allie's family was not fond of the idea of her dating a girl. She tried to convince them to accept her relationship with Noelle but they wouldn't budge, so Allie and Noelle decided to run away together one night, far away from them so could be together in peace.

By this event, Sam went even deeper on his depression, Allie only left him a handwritten note beside his bed. She and Noelle were the only ones he had, now he had Bunny as well, but it obviously wasn't the same, even because Bunny was still super young at the time.

Sam would always blame their leaving on his mother and her boyfriend in every oportunity he had, he wanted them to feel bad for what they've done, they wanted them to go and bring Allie back home.

It didn't happen...It just made him and his family more distant, they didn't care what they were up to, neither did they want to know what Sam was up to.

Allie would send him letters often through the postman, who would gently hand him the letter and kinda support the boy who would cry everytime he got a new letter. Sam kept them all on a notebook he had, he would write his thoughts and feelings out there and keep the letters all together so he could read them anytime he wanted.

Sam already recognized the postman who was always the same so he would hand him letters as well to take to Allie. In those letters Sam would beg for Allie to get back, would say how he missed her and Noelle and would tell her how things were getting worse and worse in home. If Allie didn't want to get back, at least to tell him where they were so he could run away as well. But Allie would always tell him that she couldn't go back, she was far far away and he couldn't leave little Bunny alone.

One day, out of nowhere, a dangerous and scary virus is let loose in the Zeta region, Sam could escaped it, but unfortunately, both Allie and Noelle were caught in the middle of it. From what was said, flosses with that virus would have the fur turned to white and a rash of extra eyes appeared all over their bodies.

Sam was super scared that his sister and Noelle were caught on that virus, but because of that everything was closed so it wouldn't spread even more, so he lost contact with the postman for a few long weeks. When things got back to normal and Sam got to see the postman again, he run to him and asked if he had some news about the girls. The postman couldn't even look the boy in the eyes, but he had to tell him... so he began to speak and told Sam that there was no one in the house and it actually looked like it was left in a big rush, so probably they had problems with the virus.

Sam's world fell down, he felt the ground leaving his feet, he had lost total contact with the most important people on his world and he didn't even know if they were dead or not, but he never gave up on finding them again, he would only stop if their deaths were confirmed.

Vicky relationship

Sam somehow managed to get a girlfriend even with his thick barrier that he uses to put between him and other people. They met through the internet, his refuge, where he thought he couldn't get that close with other people.

They started dating through there, since they were from different regions and where still young to move together or travel that far from home. Once they got more confortable with each other, Sam suggested to send letters to each other.

Vicky was confused at first, like, was the difference between sending a text message and a letter? Actually the text message would be much faster and instantanious so...why that? But, she accepted, like, she didn't understand, but why not.

On the very first letter vicky received it could be read:

"Hi vicky, I'm sorry for my handwrite that is not that good, but hopefully you can still read it eheh.

So, I know you got confused on the why I want to send and receive letters sometimes, so I'm using this very first letter to explai it all to you.

When I was near 16, my older sister ran away from home because our mom and her boyfriend wouldn't accept her homosexual relationship. Even if I felt left behind, she always cared about me, she would send me some letters once in awhile to letting me know how she was doing with her girlfriend. One day, after the virus passed, the postman came to me and said they were totally gone and from that day I didn't receive any single letter from them... until this day I don't know if they died or not on that virus, but I didn't give up on finding them, either dead or alive, I need to know what happened, so I will only stop if their death is confirmed to me with valid proof.

So I really like to write and getting letters, it kinda makes me feel warm inside and it brings some peace to my soul. Also I like the fact that I can keep them around in my room and between my feels more personal since it is handwritten and you can write in so many different papers.

That's why I wanted to tell you this bit of my self through here, feels more personal and close to you. Hope you can understand this...

I'm also sending you a cute little drawing together with this letter, I really like to draw and I'm trying to get better at it everyday!!!

With love,


From that day, they kept sending little notes and cute drawings to each other! Vicky eventually moved to Sam's region to be closer to him and they would leave sticky notes to each other around, Sam would left baskets with food in Vicky's door with notes for her, cause she would come late from work and he would be worried she wouldn't eat.

Eventually the couple moved together, but the cute sticky notes and drawings kept being a thing in their life.



Vicky [Bae]

Vicky is relaxed, down-to-planet kind of girl, loving to chill out at home or the beach in the Mu territory on nice, warm days. Anything with a smooth, warm surface are her favorite things, which typically includes many smooth rocks placed in her windowsill.


Astraea [Vicky's sister]

Astraea is an outgoing person. She is an apprentice photographer and because of that she really likes to be outdoors taking pictures of everything and everyone so she doesn't have any problem getting along with people. She tries not to be too loud and give people their personal space, but she really likes hanging out with others. She has a twin sister named Vicky which she loves deeply.


Allie [ Sister ]

Allie was a happy floss. She loved to play with her best friend Noelle and her brother Sam. But one day Allie was playing outside with Noelle when a horrible and scary virus was "let loose" and both girls got infected. As Allie saw how she looked, she thought her family would think of her as a monster, and together with Noelle they ran away without never looking back.

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