


4 years, 8 months ago


Acquired: 650pt adopt

When Owl Diamond was introduced to the Diamond Authority and they first learned of her crushing black hole abilities, they wanted to recruit her to use her powers for creating more diamonds more quickly. Blue and Yellow decided to give her a gift, a new, strong soldier stronger than any of her existing gems. White found out later, and volunteered her kindergarteners to ensure it came out perfectly, but agreed that Owl's court could use some more color. Their plan moved a little more quickly than anticipated though, and by the time Owl refused their plan and ran away, the grandidierite made for her still wasn't ready to emerge. When she did and realized the diamond she was made for had left her, and that she had been made as part of a plan to use her intended diamond, she began having mixed feelings on her origins. She refused to serve homeworld, or anyone but Owl Diamond. Since she was gone and there was nothing more to be done with her, they sent her to Earth to live on Steven's Little Homeworld Colony. She still struggles with accepting her origins, just as Amethyst did.