
4 years, 8 months ago


Secretive - nurturing - quiet - uninhibited

A  young hybrid who cannot remember his past. He wandered onto Sunna farms in a daze, and was subsequently taken in. With time, he transferred to the ranch, where he resides since then

He does a surprisingly good job with the stryx, despite how distant he comes off to most. He seems to have a soft spot for beasts. Most people prefer it when he's quiet, because he often will speak without restraint, even if what he has to say is painfully honest. He seems to not understand why people would prefer to be lied to, instead of doing this out of malice, and prefers to be given the straight, painful truth instead of a white lie.

Along with the usual jobs of a ranch worker, he is learning the art of stryx rearing from the owners, instead of going through Usagi's class due to his unique mannerisms making it hard for him to mesh with the class. He may be a prospective breeder in the making, as he has shown an aptitude for dealing with all ranges of temperaments, and has begun to learn the art of beast whispering.
