Sabat Daerel



4 years, 11 months ago


Call name: Sabat

Full-Name: Sabat Daerel
Nick-Names: Army: Blondie.
(Nicknames I give him: Batu, Patatje, Geert, Duo-Sabotie, Sabootie)

Age: 24
Sex/Gender: Male, Cis
Height: 5'8’’/1,73m
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter, Eldritch Knight (background, soldier: Magic Cavalry)

Languages: Elvish, Common, Dwarfish

Favourite Weapon: Bastard Swords/Long Sword.

Stand-off-ish, indiffernt, on-gaurd/doesn't trust easily, honnest, reliable, task-focussed, gets impatient with people, irratable, party-pooper, closed-off, loyal, "prude".


Ideals: I've been cursed, I would like to know why and how to solve it. ((I lost my place in life and am searching for a new one.))
Bond: In the end, you are the only one you can truely trust.
Flaws: Pisses people of with his distrust/ stand-off-ish-ness/Indifferntness. Don't touch him, he warns once. Is a VERY clingy drunk.


What’s his deal, short story:

Sabat is a grumpy looking ex-soldier, who travels around with a group of “adventurers”  to find a cure to his problem; His best friend died, is stuck inside his body and they need to take turns to control it. He and his group must eliminate a raising threat; an immortal Lich called Acererak, who has come back 30 years after being defeated before by a group of legendary adventurers.


Backstory: (Longggg)

Sabat Daerel: Backgrond

Childhood and Family:

Sabat grew up in a mid-class, medium-sized family. Which was mostly functional when his mother was away from home.

His mother, Darlyn Randrell, was a very stern and temperamental woman, borderline alcoholic and abusive. She didn’t function well outside her work. Her main focus in life, seemed to be the battalion. Leaving a proud legacy behind, with sons who would be capable and strong fighters, and following the path of her religion (Andraste).

Because of this Sabat and his brothers had been training from a young age to join the Military.

Anything “weak”; emotional expression, not being physically fit, pettiness, not being self-reliant, laziness etc. was absolutely unheard of.

Sabat’s father, Mathias Daerel, was a loving but timid man, one that embraced and supported his sons curiosity and general kindheartedness.

Mathias had little spine through, and had a very hard time standing up against his wife’s abuse, often turning a blind eye to it. Only being able to comfort his children, in forms of distraction.

Sabat’s brothers, Joseph and Daine, were, like Sabat, tormented by their mother from a young age.

The brothers, twins, weren’t the brightest, but they strong fighters and loyal to a default. Their mother’s abuse and general disregard of mental-wellbeing resulted, in a lot of cropped up feelings and anger issues, which in turn, resulted in them taking out all their frustration and pain out on their younger brother. The boy, who had a stark resemblance to their mother and seemed to be her new focus. He  was an easy target.

Sabat was naturally a curiously smart and kind boy at heart, but because of his home situation, he had a lot of difficulty socializing, being instinctively on guard, and generally soft-spoken or defensive. Which, together with the strict routine his mother created resulted in him not having many friends when young.

Sabat had one safe heaven however,  Mikhal’s Library, the library attached to the church of the Silver Flame.

This is where he met a young boy, who was a little older than him and a lot more social, called Sarus.

Sarus lived at the church, as he had been taking in as an orphan by one of the clergy when he was young. He quickly took a liking to Sabat, being intrigued by the strange, shy and kind of rude boy who would often be hidden away, reading books about horses and brave knights in the corners of the librairy.

It took a while for Sabat to warm up to him but Sarus really tried his best to get the young boy to like him- and In time, he did.

Sabat found his first real friend in Sarus. They would spend many days at the library, discussing all kinds of things. Animals, People, Life, Sarus his weird teeth collection, well it was usually just Sarus rambling on and Sabat just patiently listening. Sarus had many interests and Sabat gladly heard the boy talk for hours, while doodling away in a sketchbook.  


As Sabat grew older, him and Sarus stayed friends, however Sabat would come to realize that he didn’t just like Sarus as a friend.

Sabat looked up to Sarus, in his eyes he was everything he wished he’d be. Confident, liked, and carefree most of all. He was first crush. Be he had suppressed it, being afraid to loose Sarus as his friend. He’d rather perish than tell anyone, especially Sarus himself, no one could know!

Good thing Sarus is dense as hell.


His mother presumably passed away, shortly before he turned 16. Her body lost in battle.

The Military

When he was about 16 years old, Sabat joined the military. Even though his mother was no more, it still felt like this was his only option.

However, Sabat still felt uneasy joining the military. He was truly afraid he would not belong. He wasn’t strong enough, he wasn’t confident enough, or smart enough…

 Sabat’s first weeks at the Battalion weren’t easy. Surprising to no one but himself, Sabat did very well in physical practice and rose to the top of his class easily.

He was still soft-spoken, however, and in the beginning he had a lot of trouble with non-work related interaction. Which made it hard for him to create a bond with his brothers in arms at first.

 He soon learned however, after is brothers in arms tried there best including him in several different kinds of activities, that the people surrounding him, truly meant well, and were happy to include him in their troop.  He was enough for them, and warmed up to them quickly.

It took some time, some growing, but for the first time in his life, he had friends, brothers. A group of people that generally cared for him, and enjoyed his presence. He became fiercely loyal to his troop.

Maybe this was his place in life, after all.


Sabat did well in the military, he was fit, more skilled than many of his brothers n sisters and his environment allowed him to let his intelligence and creativity flourish.

As this got noticed by his superiors, having great expectation of him, he was offered an opportunity to raise rank.  He would have to start a studying, next to his usual training to become part of the Magic Cavalry, a group of Eldritch knights.

A little hesitant at first, but encouraged by his troop, Sabat took the opportunity.

After a lot of blood, sweat and tears, Sabat managed to join them after months of training and studying.

More social than before, Sabat easily bonded with the new group of knights. Who all seemed interesting, talented, smart woman and men. Most of all they were kind and welcoming as well.

Then there was Alexander,

A higher ranking soldier, who oversaw his company. He was a handsome, confident and skilled man, who seemed to be liked by many. Someone, who seemed to always be glad to take some time off when he could, to spend some extra time with Sabat.

Sabat, could feel himself falling for a man, to his own displeasure. Relations between soldiers, especially superior where absolutely prohibited.

Sabat had trouble hiding he feelings, he was young and inexperienced with matters of the heart. However, in time, his feelings seemed to be reciprocated. As Alexander started to make clear to him, not very subtle at that, to be interested into him as well.

For a while, life seemed like a dream. Sabat was good at his job, had friends, and a secret- handsome lover,   a place to call home.


This wouldn’t last long sadly.


Their relationship had felt like a dream at first, a romantic, “forbidden” love.

Alaxander was closer to nightmare however, he was a great manipulator and aggressive. He’d play with feelings for entertainment, work into people’s insecurities and would often push Sabat far beyond his comfort.

As he had to do more and more against his will, as time went by.


It took him long, far too long, to realize what he had wasn’t right.

For long he dealt with Alex’s behavior, his “flaws”. Sure he wasn’t perfect, but he loved him, it was probably just Sabat himself, who did things wrong,… maybe he was too sensitive like Alex said?

Eventually he found the courage to speak out. He had found out he wasn’t the only who endured Alexanders torment and finally he was able to see through the man’s lies.

He confronted Alexander, things became physical fast, and Sabat was easily subdued by his superior.

“You know what’s good for you, If you tell anyone about this, I’ll make your life hell.”


Sabat was done staying silent. He was hurt and angry. He marched of, and as soon as he was able to he spoke with another superior and came clean about, everything that had happened. He would NOT get away with this again!

Unfortunately, The superior had heard another version of the story already.


Not only was Sabat to be punished for assaulting his commanding officer, but the conflict spread like wildfire and tales always escalate. Sabat became resented by many. His once brothers in arms, now turned their backs to him and the ones that didn’t were too afraid to speak out.

Sabat was dishonourably-discharged.


Sabat returned home, where he was welcomed back by his lonely father.

For a while he just was.

Too ashamed to show his face to anyone, he stayed inside mostly. Helping his father at the forge, to keep busy.


Sarus who had heard of Sabat return excitedly made his way towards Sabat’s home.


This was the moment when Sabat, would finally come clean about everything to his best friend.

About what his mother used to do, about what happened in the army, and about the feelings he used to have…

But before Sabat could start,
Sarus grasped for his chest, slumped over and fell down.


The Curse

Shortly after Sarus’s funeral, Sabat started losing time. Minutes at first, then hours, eventually days and weeks. He started acting strange, confused and sporadic. Everyone assumed it was because everything that happened. But the reality was much stranger.

When Sabat woke up, having lost time again, he went to his desk and found a piece of paper, written on it; “Sabat, I think I’m stuck in your body. - Sarus


Sabat and Sarus started travelling. Sabat might have lost everything, but he had a new objective, he had to find a way to get rid of this curse and get his friend back.

Backstory: (tldr/short)

Sabat grew up in an abusive household, one that prizes military accomplishments, his mom was a d-bag, sabat joined the military, ohoh big gay, mom die, sabat did really well and became an eldritch knight, batu did a stupid and got kicked out of the military, he sad boi, fren died, oh no his soul stuck in me help.