(Young) Roy



4 years, 8 months ago


Call name: "Roy"
Full-Name: Rayen Jasper Hellborn
Race: Half-Elf
Age: Younger Roy: 24-30

Sex/Gender: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (slightly prefers men)
Height: 6'0’’/1,85m+/-

Roy has a pale skin colour, brown hair, and greyish blue eyes, he has some light freckling on his nose which becomes more after being in the sun for a while and has a small dent in his chin. He always wears his key-necklace/cleric-spell focus, as it's physically not possible to be separated from him. Roy generally wears dark clothing, white shirts or clothing in hues of green and blue.

Roy started out with an average build but has been building muscle along his journies, being trained by a friend. He wears thick large glasses, as he has terrible eyesight. Until his 40's his hair was fully brown with a little bit of a reddish/gold hue and he went through a few different styles; war-cut (featured above), half-long hair to long hair, to eventually cut it short again. So far he has only one tattoo;  a faun holding a firefly with flowers on his arm, which is purely aesthetic. He does, however, also have a large dark spot on his back, which seems to be growing. Roy is covered with scars, travelling alone is dangerous, which is something Roy knows very well as life has not been very kind to him so far.

His scars;
-Burn marks (look like pigment marks)
-Got stabbed in the ribs.
-Got cut with a ceremonial knife (Drow).
-Got scratched by a Shade.
-Fell on a fishhook.
-Got stabbed through the leg by a creature's leg.

Kind/friendly, an open book, really tries to be on friendly terms with most he meets, quirky, Anxious and Insecure, strange things seem to follow him and create quite a few awkward situations, smart but has a hard time thinking straight because of concentration issues, flustered easily, very talkative and curious, neeeerdddd, he's social but gets overwhelmed by large groups of people and new situations, wants to help as many people as possible, really strives to make the world a better place, a friend who'll give his everything to help you. 

Class: Cleric (Knowledge, Roh) / Wizard (Abjuration) 
Preferred magic:
Anything Defense based and Healing.
Talents: Abjuration Magic, Speaks 7 languages, has a very high passive perception, drawing.
Favourite Weapon: Quarterstaff.  

Loathes large bodies of water, especially cold or dirty water, can't swim with armour or robes, is clumsy (has a very low dexterity), has a phobia of fire-based spells and Alchemist fire, Anxiety, basically blind without his glasses. Might think with his "nether regions" a bit too often.

Why did Roy become a Cleric, how did he experience it?

Roy was contacted by his patron at the age of 24, through a “dream”/vision. They offered Roy help in finding his life's purpose after failing magic school.
At that time, he was still attending magic school, specializing in Abjuration. The transformation of becoming a cleric was overnight, and he left his school the next day, on the road to adventure. 

With a key around his neck, a marking of the deity on his back, and the power to heal.

A few of Roy's early travels experiences;

-Roy has left the Mage-School and has since then been travelling with a fighter caravan, which he joined because he helped out the caravan's leader by beating a rival in a contest.
-To be able to help him he needed fairy dust, and to get that he helped a pixie get flee from will-o-the-wisps.
-While travelling with them, he has been abducted by penguins and walked over the polar ice caps because of this.
-Was brought back to the capital, where he was stalked and almost murdered by a serial killer. They ended up catching him but Roy has been scared for lift, as the dude stabbed him and set him and 2 other people on fire.
-After recovering, he found himself back on the road for trouble and managed to somehow, help re-awaken Lich by wanting to help an awakened skeleton... (We welcome Acererak the big evil asshole of this story)
-He got stuck in the Feywild after this, helping an old dying man.
-Things went okay for a while after he returned.
-Then... he got stuck in the Underdark for 4 weeks, by falling of a 100m ledge, somehow surviving that and being found by a mostly nice Goblin. Basically almost got eaten at least 20 times, eventually finding an ancient temple that held an "Evocation Stone" that powered up Time-based Magic (Something that shouldn't exist in this world), which was something the goblin was looking for, taking it with them and almost getting blown up. Roy had to convince the goblin it was a VERY bad idea to give, said stone, to the Drow, they ended up deciding to start travelling back to the surface again.  Haha just kidding, after almost reaching the surface they got the message that one of the people Roy went the Underdark in was still lost and probably in the Underdark captioned by slavers. Fek. So they went looking for the slavers, found them, and bought 3-4 slaves (elf woman, human man, and 1-2 kobolds) to buy them their freedom back. Ended up travelling with the Elf woman and man. Traders told him his friend was bought by the Drow and would soon be slaughtered by the drow for some sick ritual/festival thing. Fuck. So they travelled to the drow city anyway and after meeting the Drow Matriarch he had to trade a magical item....and something more physical, to get his friend back. Roy agreed, did the thing, got poisoned but got his friend back. They then travelled through an Orc village, almost dying again, and finally found their way back up...
-To then find out the way back up lead to the snowy wasteland, surrounding Steamhammer. Feeeeeeek. So after 2 weeks of somehow surviving travelling to the polar icecaps again. They made it to the city again.
-There Roy was Royally rewarded.
-Then his girlfriend broke up with him.
-He a sad boy.
-He enjoys Steadhammers festivities, takes some time to heal, hangs around with friends etc, and ends up being introduced to a girl after he helped with a little "Where the hell is this item" quest. They ended up hitting it off and he has a GF who is way nicer to him now, yay.
- He came across an infamous brother, where he had an encounter with its owner. A mysterious woman by the name of Dahlia.

Weird/Random facts:

- Roy speaks 7 languages, Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Infernal, Giant, Draconic, Primordial and is able to lip-read. (half-elf + background + being a knowledge cleric + feat: observant)
- He really loves abandoned homes, temples, cities etc.
- He's a pretty skilled horse-rider.
- The magic items Roy currently owns; A +1 Evensong Shield, Bag of Holding, Sending Stone, Oath-Breaker Amulet, Ring of Animal Influence
- His sketchbook is a brown leather brown book, which he uses as a sketchbook and diary.