


4 years, 7 months ago


One year . Female . Bisexual


◆ General description: A slim, small calico she-cat with one golden and one blue eye and a very long tail. She almost seems ferrety with with her long body and tail and skinny legs.

◆ Build: Slim, almost resembling a ferret
◆ Height: Below average
◆ Weight: Below average due to very slight build
◆ Notable features: Due to windclan ancestry her build resembles an oriental cat, built for speed.

◆ Pelt length: Halflong with a bushy tail
◆ Pelt colours: White, ginger and black (Calico)
◆ Eyes: Golden and Blue (Odd-eyed)
◆ Extra: Pelt is not as watertight as most riverclan pelts.

◆ Scars: None
◆ Handicaps: None

Extra Info

◆ Positive
Amiable, kind, hard worker, quickwitted, determined, innovative, optimistic, passionate, sincere, honest, considerate, orderly, eager to learn, ...

◆ Neutral
Hyper, naive, oblivious, people pleaser, extroverted, overachiever, jokester, focused, daydreamer, talkative, stubborn, easily flustered, unable to lie, curious, ...

◆ Negative
Clumsy, prone to overworking, overthinking, easily bored, clingy, easily hurt, crybaby, jealous, insecure, indecisive, impatient, dramatic ...

Nobody can doubt that Seamist is a hard worker. The slim calico she-cat seems determined to prove the clan that she is a capable warrior of Riverclan that everyone can be proud of. Behind this hard working exterior however, are deep-rooted insecurity issues, that make her so desperate to prove herself to the rest of her clan. Due to her cheery demeanor and kind smiles Seamist just seems to keep going without complaint, thus, making it hard to recognize this. She loves to crack jokes, is chatty and is very energetic, making her come off as overexcited or hyper from time.

She is not very thick skinned and rude remarks cut deep. She gets upset easily and the waterworks do not take much incentive to start running after that. Her enthusiasm and determination can also work on the nerves of other cats. Because she always is so serious about patrolling and hunting, she tends to overwork herself endlessly. She is a fun cat to be around however, if she only knew how to relax from time to time.

"Then you're left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya. You're a sunflower, I think your love would be too much"